| - This was guaranteed to be the most boring match of the round, but it ended up being rather entertaining in its own way. These two games had only one had one contest poll together prior to this match. Know what happened? Link to the Past got SFFd into the ground and scored only 23% on Ocarina. I know LOL 4-WAYS and all, but an SFF beating is an SFF beating regardless of the format. So for Ocarina to turn around and not lay down the mother of all SFF beatings to Link to the Past... it filled its finals opponent with determination. No matter who it was, Melee or Undertale was going to embarrass Ocarina in the final. Are you guys really seeing how god-awful this match was for Ocarina here? I know Ocarina has had the occasional bad poll and contest loss, which will happen, but this might be up there for the worst contest poll that game has ever had. It's simply not a monster anymore. Letting Link to the Past break 40% on you after holding it to 23% only six years ago is a terrible performance, for several reasons. The biggest one of all is people are done with Link and Ocarina winning every contest (how Majora's Mask escapes this hate is beyond me, but I'm not complaining!), and it's quite possible that both will get anti-voted to hell from now on -- at least from the so-called outside voters this site hates so much. If it was up to GameFAQs, Link and Ocarina would win every match with 99% of the vote. That's why rallies and outside voters are a good thing. This site is stuck in the past and would rather never change, and much like how gay and interracial marriage would still be illegal if old-timers had their way. Every now and again you have to force people stuck in the objectively awful ways of the past to get over themselves, which I'll get into more during the final.