| - Jinshu was the Rokugani term for shrine caretakers.
- Name: Jinshu Full name: Jinshu Ravenwind Nicknames/Titles: Mistress of Mossbell, Beastmaster, Devil Tamer, The Silent Raven, “Sly” Age: Early 300s [Or an age where she is relatively young-ish, but not that young.] Physical Description: Jinshu stands at about 6’5”, the standard female night elf height, more or less. She doesn’t seem to have that air around her that most servants of Elune have, which is that warm, spiritual air about them; Jinshu always carries around an air that is blended with slight hues of either melancholy or eagerness. She has a well built but elegant body, muscles easily identifiable upon the first glance, and her slightly red skin compliments this well by having her muscle definition ‘pop out’ a little more, so to speak. Under her mail-laden helms lies her grass-green hair, of which she has it constantly tied in a ragged tail in order to have it out of her eyes when drawing the bowstring, as well as giving her room in her helmet for it to not bother her while on the hunt. She has two green markings upon her face – matching her hair in color – that resemble shadows and butterflies at the same time, oddly enough; she has a tendency to smirk at the most bloodiest situations, which has earned her the nickname “Sly”, for it looks much like a sly animal. Jin bears numerous scars that are scattered sporadically about her body, but she dresses herself in such full chainmail armor that most of them are covered up; she tends to dress in chainmail that is either black, green, or dark green, in which enhances her faintly glowing white eyes as well as aiding her in stealth attacks from the shadows – this earned her the name The Silent Raven. Quirks, mannerisms, habits, and other defining characteristics: Jinshu always has her white-skinned, lavender-eye Devilsaur at her side, whether it is in a tavern, out scavenging for food and water, or even in military places and royal quarters – she constantly has to have him with her, for she tends to feel exposed and vulnerable without him. She has an extremely bad habit of disregarding her own status as guild master of Mossbell, thinking that everyone in her guild is equal, and that no one should have overruling power of command. Being a fanatic for information and what goes on in the world, Jin can become extremely analytical to whatever goes on, whether it be in an arguement, Alliance politics, or even a simple conversation made in a random tavern. Though she is good at stealing money pouches and gathering information, she is very clumsy in her footing. She’s also known to throw rocks into rivers, lakes, streams, and oceans. She loves fruit, and is secretive about some parts of her past.