| - When he was 10 years old, he took part in the yearly "official fights" where its participants are 10-year-old children from the Koon branch families. The fights are inhuman and bloody and he emerged as one of the winners. As a winner, he was allowed to wear the crest of the Koon Family while the losers were abandoned. Shortly before he was chosen as a Regular, Koon raided his father's "treasure room", where he acquired amazing items such as Manbarondenna "the entertaining and amazing magical cloning bag", a high-grade suspendium pulley, and an Armor Inventory.
| - When he was 10 years old, he took part in the yearly "official fights" where its participants are 10-year-old children from the Koon branch families. The fights are inhuman and bloody and he emerged as one of the winners. As a winner, he was allowed to wear the crest of the Koon Family while the losers were abandoned. At one point his attention was captivated by Maria, who was kind and altruistic, things that seemed surreal and incomprehensible to him. He felt she deserved the power and prestige of a Princess, which lead him to manipulate the selection in her favour. Because his own older sister failed the selection to become a Princess of Zahard, the entire Agnis branch family was expelled from the Koon Family. Ever since Maria had been selected as a Princess, Koon felt lonely yet he only realised the reason for his feeling when he saw Baam's resolve to go up with Rachel. Shortly before he was chosen as a Regular, Koon raided his father's "treasure room", where he acquired amazing items such as Manbarondenna "the entertaining and amazing magical cloning bag", a high-grade suspendium pulley, and an Armor Inventory.