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  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • Npc
  • NPC
  • Npc
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • Npc
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • NPC
  • Npc
  • Npc
  • Non-Player Characters or NPCs, are used for different reasons, one of the most common uses is to buy and sell items and equipment. NPCs look like other player characters but have yellow names and often a teal colored title above them to show what type of NPC they are. Double click an NPC to interact with them.
  • Поддержание полной карточки персонажа для всех NPC - трудоемкая задача. Поэтому NINE предлагает упрощенную систему описания NPC. Чтобы описать мастерского персонажа нужно определить:
  • Un NPC (Non-Player Character) es un tipo de personaje que no es controlado por ningún jugador, pero tiene varios propósitos en el juego: iniciar una misión , comprar/vender objetos o dialogar con el jugador por ejemplo. Para una lista de la mayoría de los NPC vea .
  • NPC's ( Nicht Spieler Charaktere ) sind Figuren wie die Zwielichtgegner oder Rogan Kayle ( nicht als Karte sonder in den missionen ) die Computergesteuert sind.
  • NPC, είναι η συντομογραφία του Non-Player-Character , και περιγράφει όλους τους χαρακτήρες στο παιχνίδι που δεν ελέγχονται άμεσα από τον παίχτη, συμπεριλαμβανομένου των PvE αντιπάλων και των φιλικών κατοίκων του realm σας (διάφοροι έμποροι, αυτοί που σας δίνουν αποστολές, οι εκπαιδευτές για τις διάφορες careers (κλάσεις) κτλ). Σε ένα RvR παιχνίδι όπως είναι το WAR, τα NPCs που είναι φιλικά απέναντι στους PCs (Playable Characters - Παίχτες) ενός realm μπορεί να είναι επιθετικά ενάντια σε άλλους PCs από άλλο realm.
  • Ein NPC ist die Kurzfassung für Non-player character (deutsch= Nicht-Spieler-Charakter)(NSC).
  • NPC is a role-playing term used to describe a 'Non-Player Character'. Cho, at the sushi bar, is a good example of an NPC. Not all NPCs are that souless. Sometimes a scene will come up where NPCs are needed to interact with other characters. These interactive NPCs are portrayed by volunteer players or Admins as nessicary. They are usually cannon fodder or useful plot devices. Think extras in movies.
  • frame|100px|Un NPC en Darnassus Un PNJ (Personaje no jugador) o NPC (Non Player Character) es un personaje con el que se puede interactuar, pero no es un jugador, sino que está controlado por el software de servidor. Algunos de estos se pueden encontrar muy fácilmente como puede ser vendedores de armaduras, juguetes u objetos comerciales hasta los guardias de cada Ciudad-Capital que guían a los jugadores a los puntos mas interesantes de cada ciudad.
  • NPC is an abbreviation for Non-Player-Character. NPCs can be any character from a game's universe (in this case Dragon Ball) and are used to give information to the players. NPCs can also be used as vendors or quest givers. Monsters are also NPCs.
  • NPC - short for Non Playing Character This term is used for every avatars in the game that are not considered mobs and that are not played by real persons. NPCs are usually characters important tp the storyline or specific quests.
  • 本WikiにおけるNPCの定義はプレイヤーが直接操作をすることができないキャラクター全般を指す。 狭義には戦闘行為をしかけられないキャラクターをNPCと呼ぶ場合もあるが、区別せず、いわゆるNPCとmobは同列に扱う。
  • NPC (eng.NPC, Non Playing Character) eli Ei ihmispelaaja, ovat MMORPG-peleissä yleisiä hahmoja, jotka toimivat mm. kauppiaina, kansalaisina jne. Maplestoryssä on useita kymmeniä NPC:eitä, joka kaupungeissa ja muilla alueilla. Luokka:NPC Luokka:Oppaat
  • thumb|250px|Пример NPC-наёмника в одном из модов NPC — любой неигровой персонаж, кроме мутанта, который управляется не игроком, а компьютером. Фактически, таковыми являются все персонажи, кроме протагониста. В игре НПС имеют огромное значение - именно через взаимодействие с ними происходит продвижение игрока по сюжету. Частица A-Life.
  • NPC's, also known as Non Player Characters, are characters in the Dungeon Siege Series who do not fight the player but rather act as additional scenery, be part of quests or act as shopkeepers who can buy and sell goods to the character. NPC's are generally invincible to typical forms of damage however during certain parts of Dungeon Siege II and III they are witnessed dying (Such as the battle at Windstone Fortress in Dungeon Siege II).
  • Npc Hier sind alle Npc´s aufgelistet. * Normale Npc's Zurück zur Hauptseite
  • Npc, also known as "The Inn Keeper" is one of many different computer controlled character in the game. He is going to be part of a future Quest. There are a few different NPC's in game
  • "NPC" stands for "Non-Playable Character". They are characters that are in specific places throughout Endless-Online, and they are not controlled by a real-life human being. Most NPCs in Endless-Online exist for the buying and selling of Items, but not all NPCs buy and sell things. Some NPCs are in the game as part of a Quest, and others are merely for roleplaying purposes. These types of NPCs buy and sell various items and equipment. You will talk to these NPCs more than any other: Armor Shopkeeper NPCs Banker NPCs Equipment Shopkeeper NPCs Magic Shopkeeper NPCs Weapon Shopkeeper NPCs
  • NPC = non-player character (DE = Nicht-Spieler-Charakter) NPC sind ein Bestandteil des Spiels und werden vom System gesteuert. In Sword Art Online sind alle Monster und ein Teil der Bevölkerung NPC's. Als Beispiel sind in SAO die Marktstände in der Stadt der Anfänge (Ebene 1) alle mit NPC's besetzt. Yui ist eine NPC-KI, die sich aber vom System abgekoppelt und ein eigenes Bewusstsein entwickelt hat. Kategorie:Begriffsklärung
  • NPC on lyhenne englannin kielen sanasta non-playable character. tänne tulee lista NPC hahmoista:Snori Nairb,Foreman Ikure,Kerub Captain,chaferfu,Dunge Onmast'her,Naiz Keeholder,Tellih'Gent Nhin,Postor Nhin,Babblera Nhin,Unterix Unter,Shani Sings
  • NPC's, also known as 'Non-play characters' is any unit in the game that is not directly controllable by the user. This includes merchants, quest-givers, and wildlife.
  • NPC(Non-Player character) to sterowana przez komputer postać.
  • Abrévation de Non-Player Character (Personnage Non-Jouable). Les NPCs sont les personnages créés par Square-Enix controllé par l'ordinateur, ce ne sont pas des personnes réelles. Cela inclue donc les monstres (mais l'usage est rarissime , mob est plus utilisé ) et les habitants que l'on rencontre sur Vana'diel (leurs prénoms sont écrits en vert) .
  • NPC (Non-Player Character) 是指遊戲中不由玩家所操縱的非敵對角色。有些是會與玩家做買賣的商人、有些是需要幫助,會提供任務給玩家的百姓或官員、也有些只是單純路過的路人甲。 通常在野外提供各式服務的 NPC 都處於無敵狀態,不會被敵人攻擊。有些任務中的 NPC 則需要玩家的保護,一旦重要的 NPC 死了玩家就會被滅團。 以下是一部分服務性質 NPC 的種類: * 材料加工 * 收藏家
  • A Non-Player Character" (NPC) is any character you encounter and interact with in Dragonica that is not controlled by other human players - they are generated and controlled by the game server. Typical examples of NPCs include Quest Givers and Vendors. They can be contrasted with Player Characters (PCs, or sometimes just "Players").
  • Fellow survivors and zombies are NPCs.
  • Non Playable Character (niet bespeelbare spelfiguren) Lijst met NPCs: Categorie:NPC
  • No universo dos vídeo-games, é chamado NPC (sigla de non-playable-character) aquele personagem que aparece em algum jogo, mais não pode ser controlado.
  • An NPC or Non-playable charcter, is a character in-game that is not physically able to be controlled by a human. They move usually in a random direction, and are most often used as shopkeepers or quest givers, or just a normal townfolk. NPC's can also class as monsters, as they are not able to be controlled.
  • NPC is a term to describe computer characters. It stands for Non-Player Charactors and can be anything from party members to enemies.
  • Varika
  • NPC'ler oyun içinde görev alabileceğiniz ya da eşya satın alabileceğiniz kişilerdir.Bunlar herhangi biri tarafından kontrol edilmez, oyuna bağlıdırlar.
  • Ein "NPC" ist die Abkürzung für Non-Player-Character (englisch). Ins deutsche Übersetzt heißt es nichts anderes als Nicht-Spieler-Charakter, wobei Gamer (zu deutsch: Spieler) auch oftmals Falscher Freund sagen. Dieser "NPC" wird nicht wie andere Charaktere von echten Spielern gesteuert sondern vom Computer. Sie wurden von den Entwicklern als Virtuelle Spielfigur geschaffen um Hintergrundwissen zu vermitteln oder auch als Informationshelfer zu dienen. Man begegnet diesen "NPCs" sehr oft bei Quests. Es gibt aber auch verkaufende "NPCs". * NPC Liste * Quest Liste
  • NPC – bohater niezależny (z ang. Non Player Character lub Non Playable Character). Jeżeli NPC jest sterowany przez komputer, to zwykle jego działanie wspierają algorytmy AI. NPC to wszelkie postacie, które stają na drodze Bohaterów Graczy dla odróżnienia zwanych PC (z ang. Player Character) lub BG (Bohater Gracza). Są więc to zarówno napotykani wrogowie, sprzymierzeńcy, postacie drugoplanowe jak i statyści jak np. karczmarze czy kupcy, z którymi Bohaterowie Graczy ubijają interes. Kategoria:Artykuły nie na temat Kategoria:Bez infoboksu Kategoria:Bez grafiki Kategoria:Do zlinkowania
  • NPC - сокращение от англ. Non-Playable Characters, т. е. неиграбельные персонажи. Делятся на 2 основные группы: дружественные (дающие задание и/или вступающие в диалог) и враждебные (боссы и враги).
  • __TOC__
  • An NPC or Non Player Character in PolCan is an MP or Senator who is controlled and simulated by the A-Team, and is not a player in the game.
  • An NPC or Non-Player Character is a character in Wakfu who is not an avatar for a human being, but is coded into the game for a variety of purposes. Unlike most MMORPGs, the NPCs in Wakfu do not perform basic functions such as quest-initiation, or general trading with the players. The majority of NPCs are Clan Members.
  • NPCs are the driving force of the game. There are many types of NPCs in Norrath. Each type has its own purpose. Some are put in game to help a player such as bankers or merchants. Others are mobs such as monsters, undead etc., that a player has to kill to gain faction, loot, or experience. Below is a list of NPCs. * Animals * Bankers * Guards * Guildmasters * Merchants * Monsters * NPC - Non Quest * Objects * Plant * Quest NPC * Tribute Master * Undead
  • Ein NPC ist ein „non-player-character“, sprich es wird nicht von einem Spieler gesteuert, sondern steht nur auf einem Feld rum. In Allwar sind die NPCs die Haupteinnahmequelle. Wenn man ein NPC angreift, wird die Hülle beschädigt. Wie viel Hülle man verliert hängt von der Stärke und Rüstung des NPCs und der eigenen Stärke und Hülle. NPCs findet man hauptsächlich in Gebieten, welche sehr populär sind, wie z.B. die Heimatplaneten und im Handelszentrum, aber auch in verschiedenen anderen Gebieten.
  • rightEn NPC er en ikke-spillbar sim.
  • see NPCs
  • NPC (an acronym for "non-player character") is a term used in videogames and virtual worlds to describe characters controlled by the program's code rather than the user.
  • Npc's(non-playing characters) are either humans or monsters such as a Minotaur or the Apothecary.
  • NPC generally stands for Non-Playable Character. However it is more widely used to refer to any object that interacts directly with a player via pre-programmed scripts. In the world of TM there are several high level NPC's such as Eunda, Third party contacts and Hirata.
  • NPCs or Non-Player Characters are characters (species in the bestiary) of Tales Of Pirates. NPCs can be encounter in cities, regions and any other explorerable area. Many NPCs have a specific purpose like the teleporters or traders while others only give you quests or are part of a quest. For a list of all NPCs see our .
  • El universo de Dark Orbit no solo está plagado de jugadores con ganas de pasarlo bien, también existen varias razas de alienígenas que intentarán que el juego sea más entretenido si cabe. En la lista de alienígenas que aparecen a continuación verás que hay un apartado llamado “Recompensa”. Este apartado indica lo que te va a dar el alienígena cuando lo hayas destruido. En gris se destaca la recompensa que se te entrega nada más destruir al alienígena, el resto de la recompensa aparece en el juego en forma de cargo box o caja de recursos, la cual puede ser recogida por cualquier jugador, aunque le corresponde a quien haya destruido el alíen. Categoría:klkl
  • Een npc is een computer bestuurd poppetje, de volle betekenis is Non playable character. nederlandse vertaling is Niet te spelen poppetje. Dit zijn dus bijv. poppetjes die een standaard winkel hebben op krawk eiland.
  • From the very beginning of the game, and all over the main Perfect World map, there are small animals around that are not targets of kill quests, but add flavor to the game
  • An NPC or Non-Player Character (sometimes referred to as a PNJ in the Dofus documentation due to translation from the French phrase Personnage Non Joueur) is a character in the game who is not an avatar for a human being, but is coded into the game for a variety of purposes: initiating or advancing a quest, buying or selling items, offering an exchange, or simply engaging the player in a bit of amusing or informative dialog. For a list of NPCs, including lists per region, see .
  • NPC is a term used in feds as well as gaming meaning Non-Player Character. They are usually automated by some system, controlled by everyone in terms of feds, or controlled by the owner of the game or fed.
  • Non playable character. Ect Ian,Runtime,Ect. (Some servers allow you to play as these.)
  • Nichtspielercharakter - Ein Charakter im Spiel, der nicht von einem Menschen gespielt wird.
  • NPC er en forkortelse for det engelske uttrykket Non-Player Character. Dette er figurer som ikke blir styrt av noen spiller, og i motsetning til i tradisjonelle RPG, heller ingen Game Master. Typiske NPC kan blant annet være selgere, vakter eller oppdragsgivere som er spredt rundt i spillet av ulike formål.
  • The term 'NPC' is in common use with many online games. It is a acronym that stands for 'Non-Player Characters' or 'Non Playable-Character', meaning entities in-game that are controlled by the server, the actions of which do not originate from humans in real life.
  • A Non-Player Character" (NPC) is any character you encounter and interact with in Mythos that is not controlled by other human players - they are generated and controlled by the game server. Typical examples of NPCs include Quest Givers and Vendors. Hostile NPCs are sometimes categorized with other creatures or monsters (aka "Mobs"). Contrast with Player Characters (PCs, or sometimes just "Players"). See also: *
  • An NPC or Non-Player Character is a character in the game who is not an avatar for a human being, but is coded into the game for a variety of purposes: initiating or advancing a quest, buying or selling items, offering an exchange, or simply engaging the player in a bit of amusing or informative dialog. After the 2nd wings update, they have made Changes to the NPC's so that their names are over their heads when they are in view. For a list of NPCs see .
  • NPC (Non-Player character) är datastyrda figurer i Hundparadiset som alla är unika och har egna funktioner så som. En NPC kan generellt hälsas genom att skriva "Hej" eller "Hejsan" i Default chatten och "Hejdå eller "Ses" för att hälsa Npcn hejdå. * Köp/sälj funktioner * Information * Uppgradering av koppel
  • Gang skinheadów i neonazistów lubują się w mundurach i skórach. Mocno dopakowani z przeszkoleniem paramilitarnym. Zarejestrowani również jako firma ochroniarska.
  • thumb|NPC: Alieshor (flight master) NPC (Non-Player Character) to każda postać z świata World of Warcraft, z którą można wejść w interakcje, a która nie jest kontrolowana przez graczy tylko przez skrypt serwera. Typowe przykłady takich postaci to władcy lotów, NPC oferujący zadania, sprzedawcy, nauczyciele umiejętności oraz profesji czy też wartownicy.
  • NPC = Non Player Character Nicht Spieler Charakter = Deutsch Diese Sogenanten NPC werden vom Computer gesteuert, die eine Bestimmte Aufgabe innerhalb eines Bereiches ausüben wie zb. Die Verteidigung eines AFS Posten/Basis.
  • Das sind Figuren (Charaktere), die automatisch funtionieren, wo also kein Spieler dahinter steht. Hier kannst du Quests bekommen oder Items kaufen sowie deine Überschüsse verkaufen. Siehe auch Titel.
  • Das sind Figuren (Charaktere), die automatisch funtionieren, wo also kein Spieler dahinter steht. Hier kannst du Quests bekommen oder Items kaufen sowie deine Überschüsse verkaufen. Siehe auch Titel.
  • An NPC, or Non-Player-Character, is any character you encounter and interact with in Aion that is not controlled by other human players - they are generated and controlled by the game server. NPCs are either neutral or affiliated with a particular race or faction (File:Elyos Logo small.png Elyos or File:Asmodian Logo small.png Asmodian). Typical examples of NPCs include quest givers, merchants, trainers or Guards. Hostile NPCs are sometimes categorized as creatures (aka "mobs", wildlife or monsters). They can be contrasted with Player Characters (PCs, or sometimes just "Players").
  • Un NPC ou un Personnage de Non-Joueur sont des personnages du jeu qui ne sont pas controlés par un humain, mais qui sont codé dans le jeu pour une variété de buts : introduction ou avancement d'une recherche, achat ou vente d'articles, ou simplement engagement du joueur dans un peu de dialogue amusant ou informatif. Pour une liste de NPC, y compris des listes par région, voir la Liste de NPC.
  • An NPC or Non-Player Character is a character in the game who is not an avatar for a human being, but is coded into the game for a variety of purposes: initiating or advancing a quest, buying or selling items, or simply engaging the player in a bit of amusing or informative dialog. For a list of NPCs, including lists per region, see .
  • Throughout Ether Saga there are many people whom players will meet. Many NPCs will offer quests or some form of service. Others will hand out information or even transform into Boss Monsters! A majority of the Characters have a basis of an actual character from Wu Cheng'en's Journey to the West.
  • Non-Player Character, (NPC), is a broad term to refer to any game entity that has a player-like model but functions merely as a store, bank or something similar.
  • Аббревиатура от Non Player Character. Означает Не Игровой Персонаж. Используется по отношению ко всем персонажам в игре, управляемым компьютером. То есть персонажам, которые не доступны для управления игроку. Категория:Сокращения
  • Non player character Sind Charaktere die NICHT von einem Spieler gespielt werden (PC). NPC: (zum Beispiel) * Taria Forte * Nikita * Idrial * Colakis * Mike * Druma * Jerun
  • NPC is a common term in games, which means Non-Player Character. This is a character in the game that is not controlled by the player. It may or may not be controlled by a GM. In Restaurant City, all NPCs are controlled by AI. You can change the clothing on employee NPCs, but not customers. See also: NPC at Wikipedia
  • Gli NPC (Non Playable Character, personaggi non giocabili) sono tutti quei personaggi con cui si può interagire, non comandati da un altro giocatore. Essi sono creati e controllati dal server del gioco. In Darkfall Online gli NPC possono essere "programmati" per eseguire determinati compiti sotto compenso. Tipiche mansioni svolte possono essere la vendita di oggetti o la guardia alle porte della città. Il sistema è molto flessibile e permette per esempio di decidere se far attaccare a vista personaggi di un determinato allineamento, nome, clan, razza etc.
  • At the moment, NPC ships are still being programmed in by Fsmxi, but he has already done a good amount of ships.
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