| - "Belligerent" is an upcoming episode.
- Belligerent was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer that served the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. Around 0 ABY, it was stationed as part of a picket force alongside the Star Destroyer Vengeance over the planet Tatooine when it attempted to stop the YT-1300 light freighter Limping Lady from fleeing the world with a cargo of illegal-acquired Imperial-issue weapons. By 6 ABY, Belligerent served with the Imperial forces controlled by the Imperial Advisors and was commanded by Admiral Uther Kermen. Kermen attempted to seize control of the planet Kaal and its aquaculture industry during negotiations with the world's ruler, Tirgee Benyalle. Also bidding for the rights to harvest the planet's oceans were a New Republic delegation, Syndic Pandis Hart of Sif-Uwana, and warlord Moff Utoxx
- A belligerent (lat. bellum gerere, "to wage war") is an individual, group, country or other entity which acts in a hostile manner, such as engaging in combat. Belligerent comes from Latin, literally meaning "one who wages war". Unlike the colloquial use of belligerent to mean aggressive, its formal use does not necessarily imply that the belligerent country is an aggressor.
- The Belligerent was an Tellarite starship. In 2287, the Belligerent was commanded by Khund. This ship was dispatched by the Tellarite government to represent their civilization at the opening of a rift in space and a diplomatic contact with the Calligar, a people on the other side of the galaxy. The controversy was settled after Sulu's refusal to act was backed up by Ambassador Robert Fox, who threatened to demote the commanders of the opposing vessels to command of a lithium cracking station on remote Delta Vega. (TOS novel: The Rift)
| - Belligerent was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer that served the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. Around 0 ABY, it was stationed as part of a picket force alongside the Star Destroyer Vengeance over the planet Tatooine when it attempted to stop the YT-1300 light freighter Limping Lady from fleeing the world with a cargo of illegal-acquired Imperial-issue weapons. By 6 ABY, Belligerent served with the Imperial forces controlled by the Imperial Advisors and was commanded by Admiral Uther Kermen. Kermen attempted to seize control of the planet Kaal and its aquaculture industry during negotiations with the world's ruler, Tirgee Benyalle. Also bidding for the rights to harvest the planet's oceans were a New Republic delegation, Syndic Pandis Hart of Sif-Uwana, and warlord Moff Utoxx Prentioch. During Kermen's bid to take the planet by force—which ultimately failed due to the efforts of the New Republic's representatives—Belligerent engaged Prentioch's Star Destroyer, Prentioch, in battle over Kaal.
- "Belligerent" is an upcoming episode.
- The Belligerent was an Tellarite starship. In 2287, the Belligerent was commanded by Khund. This ship was dispatched by the Tellarite government to represent their civilization at the opening of a rift in space and a diplomatic contact with the Calligar, a people on the other side of the galaxy. The Belligerent was specifically ordered to the event on the revelation that Dorkin, a Tellarite ambassador sent by the Federation was being held as a hostage of the Calligar as a result of Commodore José Tyler offering diplomatic sanctuary to the Calligar Ecma. As such, Khund demanded that Commander Hikaru Sulu, commanding the USS Enterprise-A, allow the Tellarites to participate in reprisals against the Calligar. Khund insisted that, since their diplomat was taken prisoner, they had the right to dictate terms. Khund's call to action was challenged by Sulu, as well as by Captain Vandor, of the Stealth, who demanded that the Andorians take control of the situation, as an Andorian diplomat was also a prisoner. The controversy was settled after Sulu's refusal to act was backed up by Ambassador Robert Fox, who threatened to demote the commanders of the opposing vessels to command of a lithium cracking station on remote Delta Vega. (TOS novel: The Rift)
- A belligerent (lat. bellum gerere, "to wage war") is an individual, group, country or other entity which acts in a hostile manner, such as engaging in combat. Belligerent comes from Latin, literally meaning "one who wages war". Unlike the colloquial use of belligerent to mean aggressive, its formal use does not necessarily imply that the belligerent country is an aggressor. In times of war, belligerent countries can be contrasted with neutral countries and non-belligerents. However, the application of the laws of war to neutral countries and the responsibilities of belligerents are not affected by any distinction between neutral countries, neutral powers or non-belligerents. A non-belligerent may nevertheless risk being considered a belligerent if it aids or supports a belligerent in a way proscribed by neutral countries. An interesting use of the term arose during the American Civil War, when the Confederate States of America, though not recognized as a sovereign state, was recognized as a belligerent power, and thus Confederate warships were given the same rights as Union warships in foreign ports.