| - Seadramon is a Sea Animal Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Sea Dramon". It has a long, serpentine body, which it uses to wreathe itself around enemies that are coming to attack, and constrict until the enemy suffocates. Naturally, it doesn't have intelligence or speech, and it swims around the Net Ocean leisurely according to its instincts.
- Seadramon sind schlangenähnliche Digimon, die in den Gewässern der Digiwelt leben. Sie besitzen 6 Schwimmflossen und zwei drachenähnliche Ohren. Auf der Jagd handeln sie wenig intelligent, sondern mehr nach Instinkt. Dies ist vor allem durch ihre hochentwickelten Sinne, die auch unter Wasser perfekt funktionieren möglich.
- Seadramon is a , level Digimon.His name is derived from Sea and Dramon.It doesn't have the ability to speak any language, which is weird seeing how most Digimon can. He is a Digimon.
- <default>Evil-doer</default> Seadramon is the fourth Digimon that the DigiDestined encountered (in order Kuwagamon, Shellmon, and 2 Monochromon), and also a minor villain in Digimon Adventure 01 and Digimon Fusion.