| - After reaching a certain point in the game, a small red icon at the upper right corner of the screen and will gradually fill per battle action. Once filled, all the party members will have the the following advantages during its effect for 3 consecutive turns.
* All members' HP, EP and CP are restored
* Clears all status abnormalities
* All attacks can unbalance enemies
* Allows all arts to be cast instantly. To unlock the power between the links, the Trial Chests (試練の箱 Shiren no Hako?) scattered throughout the Empire must be located first and the conquering terrifying beasts hidden with the required characters. Reaching Link Level 7 with an ally allows the linked characters to use Overdrive II. Overdrive II provides the above benefits and also causes all physical and arts damage to be increased by a multiplier of 1.2. In certain cases, opening already conquered Trial Chests in a New Game Plus will also provide this benefit. Otherwise, conquering Trial Chests in a New Game Plus will simply provide the two or four characters with a small amount of additional Link EXP. During Overdrive, no enemies on the field can act. The turn order will be the character that initiated the Overdrive, followed by the linked character, and then another turn for the initiator. If S-Break is used during the initiator's turn by the initiator, then that character will act twice in a row, followed by the linked character. If the S-Break is used by the linked character, then that character will act immediately followed by two turns of the initiator. If an S-Break is initiated within the Overdrive after that character has no more turns within the Overdrive, then it will not be executed until after Overdrive has ended, breaking the normal rule of S-Breaks being able to be used immediately. If Rean uses his Spirit Unification skill during an Overdrive turn, he will be granted an additional turn within the Overdrive.