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| - Penthesilea is a playable character in Warriors: Legends of Troy. Penthesilea is Queen of the Amazons who, after accidentally killing her sister, desires to die honorably as a warrior in battle. She therefore joins the side of the Trojans during the Trojan War.
- Penthesilea is everywhere as an immortal! She is crucial to helping out players on the main port and works with players on the test port. Our immortal team is very well rounded and literally across the globe - due to this, Penthesilea sometimes is stuck running the entire mud on her own! But she does a fantastic job, and we are glad to have her. Yes. The imm team is really from around the world. Literally. Now go read more about Aardwolf at
- Penthesilea is based off Greek mythology, in which she is an Amazonian queen. She is the daughter of Ares, god of war and Otrera, queen and founder of the Amazons. According to the legend, Penthesilea accidentally killed her sister Hippolyta, and as penance for her actions, she joined in the Trojan War, leading the Amazons to battle. She joined the war in its tenth and final year, and was killed by Achilles, who fell in love with her right when he killed her.
- Appearance: Short and stocky with powerful arms and legs. She has dark brown hair, usually kept in a loose braid, light skin, and high cheekbones. Her eyes are hazel and she has a scar on her right hand from having a blade nearly slice the last two fingers and half of the palm off in a fight. They all currently work for Dentatus Manius Curius.
- Jeden tylko Thersytes, chytry i kulawy, I łysy, bo jak kępki wysuszonej trawy Resztki włosów mu tylko wyrastały z głowy — Obraził bohatera niegodnemi słowy. "Ta kobieta zabiła nasze pierwsze wodze: Skrzydlatemi je strzały goniła po drodze Aż do ich naw i w Hades strąciła, wieczyście Achejczyków tak mnogich jako suche liście, Kiedy gonią się w wiatru jesiennej rozterce... Ale ty — każdy -widzi — słabe, miękkie serce, Jak jeleń się za łanią żalisz i — niestety — Łzami kobiety płaczesz stratę tej kobiety". Zobacz w Wikipedii hasło Pentezylea Image:PD-icon.svg Public domain
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- 18(xsd:integer)
- 99(xsd:integer)
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- 11(xsd:integer)
- 72(xsd:integer)
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- 12(xsd:integer)
- 69(xsd:integer)
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| - 7(xsd:integer)
- 11(xsd:integer)
- 67(xsd:integer)
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- 16(xsd:integer)
- 99(xsd:integer)
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| - Debra Lynne McCabe
- Misa Watanabe
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| - Tentarafoo\12
Mind Charge\23
- Analysis\Innate
Marin Karin\Innate
Spirit Drain\27
Ice Boost\45
Mind Charge\50
- Bufu\Innate
Mind Charge\23
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| - Penthesilea is a playable character in Warriors: Legends of Troy. Penthesilea is Queen of the Amazons who, after accidentally killing her sister, desires to die honorably as a warrior in battle. She therefore joins the side of the Trojans during the Trojan War.
- Penthesilea is everywhere as an immortal! She is crucial to helping out players on the main port and works with players on the test port. Our immortal team is very well rounded and literally across the globe - due to this, Penthesilea sometimes is stuck running the entire mud on her own! But she does a fantastic job, and we are glad to have her. Yes. The imm team is really from around the world. Literally. Now go read more about Aardwolf at
- Jeden tylko Thersytes, chytry i kulawy, I łysy, bo jak kępki wysuszonej trawy Resztki włosów mu tylko wyrastały z głowy — Obraził bohatera niegodnemi słowy. "Ta kobieta zabiła nasze pierwsze wodze: Skrzydlatemi je strzały goniła po drodze Aż do ich naw i w Hades strąciła, wieczyście Achejczyków tak mnogich jako suche liście, Kiedy gonią się w wiatru jesiennej rozterce... Ale ty — każdy -widzi — słabe, miękkie serce, Jak jeleń się za łanią żalisz i — niestety — Łzami kobiety płaczesz stratę tej kobiety". Na ten zarzut szyderczy, niecny i szalony, Obudził się Achilles jako lew zraniony Na piasku, który wichry zmiatają nagrzane, Skąd czerw jakiś okrutny pełzał toczyć ranę, — I widząc przed się tego tchórza z małym duchem W spiczastą czaszkę zwalił go jedynym ruchem. Thersytes padł. Bo udar Achillowej pięści Podłą czaszkę rozwalił mu na tysiąc części. Tak gdy w piecu podatną glinę wypaliwszy, Której pragnął kształt nadać lepszy czy szczęśliwszy, Garncarz swą nieudałą obaczy robotę, — To jęty słusznym gniewem uderza ją młotem, Że dzban się w proch roztrzaska pod tym jednym ruchem... Padł na ziem ciężko, głucho, jak wół pod obuchem. Zasię, patrząc w bezbronną od dziś bojownicę, Lekkostopy Achilles lał wciąż łez krynice. Zobacz w Wikipedii hasło Pentezylea Image:PD-icon.svg Public domain
- Appearance: Short and stocky with powerful arms and legs. She has dark brown hair, usually kept in a loose braid, light skin, and high cheekbones. Her eyes are hazel and she has a scar on her right hand from having a blade nearly slice the last two fingers and half of the palm off in a fight. Personality: Meticulous and cunning, she’s a survivor who plans quickly and works well under pressure. Penthesilea, as she’s known in the arena, is aggressive and standoffish with a keen disinterest for strangers. To those she trusts, Penthesilea is inviting and warm, with an abundance of jokes. She herself always puts her friends first. She prides herself on being Etruscan and despises most Romans. History: Born Rasenna Alpanu of the Etruscan Alpani family line, this young girl was doomed from her first breath. Nearly two hundred years since the force from power by the Romans, Rasenna’s family was barely hanging on until it all collapsed when her father was voted out of the senate. Growing up in the streets, Rasenna taught herself how to survive. It was at eighteen that she learned of the acceptance of Roman women into the ludi (a gladiator school). To escape an inevitably poor marriage, Rasenna enrolled in the gladiator school. In her first fight, Rasenna killed a lion named ‘Achilles’ and thus earned her new name ‘Penthesilea’. Since then she has become a rising star in Rome and always fought with her twelve ‘Amazons’:
* AINIA – Hasina – Nubian – uses a mace
* ALCIBIE – Agrippina – Roman slave - bears a gladius and shield
* ANTANDRE – Sfiyah – Arabic - uses the sica (a curved scimitar)
* ANTIBROTE – Servilla – Roman slave – uses a net to catch victims (rides in the chariot)
* BREMUSA – Ritona – Gallic (blonde) - uses a crossbow
* CLETE – Jiang – Chinese - carries a bo-staff that turns into the long katana
* DERIMACHEIA – Alita – Spanish – uses the hasta (a lance)
* DERINOE – Evdokia – Greek – uses the fascina (a harpoon)
* HARMOTHOE – Dayo – Egyptian - uses a longbow
* HIPPOTHOE – Anfisa – Sarmatian/Mongolian – uses two farming sickles as weapons
* POLEMUSA – Brigid – Briton (red head) – carries a large double sided axe
* THERMODOSA – Rosmerta – Gallic slave (dark hair) – bears only a shield and small dagger They all currently work for Dentatus Manius Curius.
- Penthesilea is based off Greek mythology, in which she is an Amazonian queen. She is the daughter of Ares, god of war and Otrera, queen and founder of the Amazons. According to the legend, Penthesilea accidentally killed her sister Hippolyta, and as penance for her actions, she joined in the Trojan War, leading the Amazons to battle. She joined the war in its tenth and final year, and was killed by Achilles, who fell in love with her right when he killed her.
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