| - Solaria is a for the VS MAXX 50 in 1 system. It is most notorious for being a blatant rip of Recca, using similar graphics, weapons, and style.
- Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Bright purple Dress/Outfit: See concept art above. Nationality/Race: Unknown
- Solaria is a female monk of dubious origin, whom the Avatar encounters during the Silver Seed quest to the past in Ultima VII Part Two. Solaria can be found just below the entrance to Aram-Dol's Lair, north-east of Serpent's Fang, and, much like her sisters, Drusilla and Rieya, will attempt to offer the Avatar 'helpful' advice. As with her sisters, she was killed by the Avatar when she attempted to obstruct the planting of the Silver Seed in the name of the Guardian.
- The Solaria was a Battlestar serving in the Colonial Fleet following the Cylon War. When the Cylons launched their surprise attack against the Twelve Colonies, the Solaria survived the initial assault. Following the destruction of Picon Fleet Headquarters, the Solaria was destroyed by Cylon forces.
- Solaria is a Command type Gear manufactured by the Blackard Company in the novel Lightning the Argent.
- Provinvia Ubicación Tipo Sublocalizaciones Misiones Personajes Enemigos ID Categoría:Arena: Lugares Solaria es una ciudad localizada en la parte suroeste de la Isla Estivalia y que puede ser visitada durante los acontecimientos de The Elder Scrolls: Arena. Es la ciudad natal de los autores Erramanwe y Lathenil.
- Solaria is a planet in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.
- Solaria is the culmination of the history of terrestrial civilization. The Solar Civilization. The completion of mankind’s evolution from a terrestrial organism to an inhabitant of the cosmos.
- thumb|Palatul Solariei. Solaria este planeta de origine a Stellei, unul dintre ţinuturile magice din Magix, ţinutul Soarelui şi al Lunii. Acesta ca şi Domino şi Andros este condus de familia regală a Solariei.
- Solaria is a cybersite that is meant as a summer place, hence it is used as a tourist attraction site. It has twice been attacked by Hacker: once when the Sunisphere was taken in "Snow Day to Be Exact", and the second time was when the Reconfiguration was planned for usage to turn everything there into CyberCode (binary). Known citizens of Solaria include Olli.
- Solaria is Stella's home planet in Winx Club. It is the Realm of the Sun and Moon, as well as being possibly among the brightest planets in the entire Magic Dimension.
- Like many realms of the Magic Dimension, Solaria is ruled by monarchy, and King Radius is the King while his ex-wife, Luna is still the Queen. There is a sun and moon theme as their Queen is designed with such a theme. For the most part, Solaria is seen as an extremely sunny place where it never rains (except for the occasional magical intervention by Valtor). There is so little rain that Stella has to explain what a raincoat is to her tailors. Wanda is the official Royal Palace Messenger.
- Solaria is the first child of Revelian and Luna. It was revealed that Luna was pregnant with her some time before Corruption: He Comes. Solaria is born during Wrapping Things Up, where she is then kidnapped by Celestia. Solaria is later saved by Pinkie Pie, who actually ends up giving the suggestion for her name that they go with. When Solaria turned nine years old, she died, leading towards a bad time in Revelian and Luna's relationship which is elaborated during The Descent.
- Solaria ist die Heimatwelt von Stella, wo sie selbst Prinzessin und ihr Vater Radius der König ist. Auch Cassandra und Chimära stammen von da. Solaria zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass dort niemals schlechtes Wetter ist und selbst nachts die Sonne scheint; wenn man es dunkel haben will, muss man die Vorhänge zu ziehen. Die Ursache hierfür liegt in der Sonne von Solaria, eine zweite Sonne im Inneren des Planeten, die Energie nicht in Form von Licht und Wärme ausstrahlt, sondern direkt Lebensenergiue an die Welt abgibt. Darüber hinaus hat Solaria natürlich eine normale Sonne, um die es kreist. Früher war die Königin von Solaria Königin Luna, Stellas Mutter, die aber bei der Scheidung von radius ihren Status verlor. Da ihr Name "Mond" bedeutet und Solaria sich von sol, also "Sonne" ableitet, li
- Kategória:Bolygók Kategória:Robotok-Birodalom-Alapítvány Asimov Robotok-Birodalom-Alapítvány ciklusában a Külső Világok egyike, robotgyártásáról híres bolygó. Az Űrjárók ezt a bolygót népesítették be legutoljára, és világaik közül ez indult először pusztulásnak. Önellátó világ volt, robotkivitele révén magas életszínvonalat tartott fönn. Húszezer ember lakta, és kétszázmillió robot - vagyis egy emberre tízezer robot jutott. A Külső Világok között ez volt a legmagasabb robot-ember arány.