| - Web
- Type your name here to claim.
- The more integrated Facebook becomes, the less willing we'll be to recreate that same web of social connections we've reinvented time and again.
- Facebook, however, won't let that happen. The massive amounts of attention that Stan's page has received, has allowed it to become sentient. In order to maintain its control, Facebook digitally kidnaps Stan and draws him into a digital universe, in hopes that Stan will be destroyed during the great game of Yahtzee. Stan however defeats his Facebook profile, allowing him to return to the real world and delete his account. He transfers all of his Facebook friends to Kip Drordy, whose lack of popularity was apparently social suicide for anyone who be-friended him, as Kyle Broflovski discovered.
- Facebook — крупнейшая в мире социальная сеть, насчитывает более полумиллиарда участников. Основана в 2004 году Марком Цукербергом. Породила много клонов, самый известный и успешный из них — Вконтакте. Сеть активно используется спецслужбами для поиска подозреваемых.
- Social network service founded Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. Currently has 200 million active users worldwide.
- Habbo previously introduced some special rewards with linking your Facebook account with your Habbo account.
* An extra +10 Achievement Points if you share your achievement on your Facebook page. (No longer works since February 2012)
* Santa's Fireplace Teleport. (No Longer Available)
* (General) News and special looks into upcoming events.
- Facebook is the most impressive social networking website out there.
* Website:
- Facebook has only been referenced in My Family once and that was during Series Eleven in 2011 in the episode 'Booked by Janey, Michael, Roger and Susan. Susan at first states that Facebook is for people who either have no friends or desire to have more friends than others, but later thought that it perhaps wasn't so bad after all. Of course Janey, Michael and Roger all have Facebook acounts of thier own.
- Facebook is a social networking site with millions of users. It has at least one group dedicated to Flight of the Conchords:
- Actualmente la Confederación Sigma cuenta con un Grupo en Facebook que es privado y una Página en la misma red social.
- Facebook is a social networking website where you can meet people, communicate with your friends, network, join facebook groups and waste more time in front of your computer screen. It is the arch rival of MySpace. Facebook is the lartest waste of time there is right along side twitter. People waste time on Facebook rather than looking up truthiness or watching the greatest show in the world. Thus it makes the Baby Jesus sad.
- World Community Grid has a presence on Facebook through countless groups, pages, causes and applications.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Facebook is a platform through which you can play Game of Thrones Ascent. To play, go to:
- Facebook is widely used on campus as a social network and procrastinating tool. Almost all undergraduates have Facebook accounts. Stanford was actually one of the first schools to start using Facebook in 2004.
- Autres appellations : FB, Fessebouc, Face de Bouc, The Face of Book Catégorie:Drogues dures
- ==Veganism
- Valued at approximately 1,300 billion pesos, Facebook is the largest competitor to the Internet's incumbent personal information collector, Google.
- Its a shitty social network like all social networks are
- Facebook (aut Vultusliber) criminium societas est.
- Facebook is
- Moshi Monsters welcomes fans ages 13 and older to like our page. If you're under 13, please visit us at the Daily Growl: www.moshimonsters.com/news
- Iksampol websàit:
- Facebook is a fairly new rapidly-growing social networking site. In December 2007 it had, for example, about 5% of New Zealand's population registered and 7% of Australia's. In April 2008 it overtook MySpace to become the world's most-visited social networking site, and by May 2008 it had become the sixth-most-visited website (of any type) for New Zealanders. Have you ever wanted to delete your Facebook account? If it is not the case, I think that you should read this article: [1].
- Facebook est un logiciel mis en place par la CIA dans les années 2006-2007 afin de contrer la tentative de contrôle du monde par les Raëliens à travers la plateforme sociale Skyblog. Facebook est aussi le premier générateur mondial d'amis.
- See: Facebook pages.
- Facebook is a social networking website where users can add friends, like pages, make their own timeline, message pages, subscribe and play games specifically made for the service. Games that relate to Pac-Man include Pac-Man S, Pac-Man Social and Pac-Man Casino!. This article is a stub. You can help this wiki by repairing or expanding it.File:PacStub.png
- Temporary link:
- The social media site.
- Facebook is a social network page created by Mark Zuckerberg back in February 2004.
- Facebook(페이스북)은 SNS 中 하나. 2004年2月4日 서비스가 始作되었다.
- I decided to put the facebook on my own website in PDF form instead of here, so I don't have to upload each image individually. Please send photos or corrections. I'll be updating the facebook daily up until the conference. So click the link below and know before you go: Click Here to see the conference facebook -Mary (MaryCJoyce@gmail.com)
- Facebook (იგივე პირწიგნაკი, წიგნსიფათი, სიფათწიგნი, როჟაწიგნი) — მსოფლიოს ყველაზე პოპულარული სოციალური ქსელი. ამავე დროს - ყოვლად უაზრო და გამოუდეგარი, ვინაიდან მასში არც უფასო ფულია, არც პოლნოები, არც ინტერფეისი აქვს სასიამოვნო (გამოჭედილია რეკლამებით).
- khan Back 03459775936
- Facebook is a extremely popular networking website for the current generation and provides a direct link to students allowing for quick exchange of ideas and information.
- Blizzard Entertainment has an official Warcraft page on Facebook.
- From last year Tak is on Facebook! Like "Tak Game" in hope that we will see a new game. Link: www.facebook.com/takgame
- Facebook is a form of communication used by Board 8. In addition to chatting, it also gives the users insight in each other's private life.
- Facebook is a social networking site located at facebook.com. Facebook was founded in 2004, originally as a site for college students to network. It has grown exponentially since, to include any type of person looking to network in just about any way (people they know or people they don't know). Facebook 'apps' (applications) didn't become overwhelmingly popular until 2008, when various games started showing up. Restaurant City by Playfish went into public beta in late 2008/early 2009 (need clarification).
- Among other sites (including Twitter), Jagex will regularly post its FunOrb related updates on Facebook, a popular social networking site. It's posts can be seen here. It's user page (FunOrb Games) can be seen here, and the new account (Jagex Games) can be seen here. There have been many competitions held on the Facebook page, including an image competition, and the Zombie Dawn Multiplayer level competition. The most recent posts can be read below:
- You can play NetHack on Facebook. This application was added by Jouko Pynnönen and has over 200 active users.
- It allows you to put a Facebook Like Box on a wiki.
- Facebook is a social networking website on Earth on which users can add people as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by a workplace, school, or college. While trapped in a secluded section of Destiny with Chloe Armstrong during the Lucian Alliance incursion in 2010, Eli Wallace remarked on how people tend to "add" friends regardless of one's actual level of acquaintanceship. This was following a remark by Chloe in which she stated that Eli was an amazing friend, to which Eli responded by saying that you can never have too many of those. (SGU: "Incursion, Part 2")
- Facebook is a social website, see the articles that use the they are put into , and people who have been notified are put in
- Facebook (pol. Twarzoksiążka) - serwis społecznościowy, na razie małe siedlisko pokemonów, popularny zarówno rano jak i wieczorem. Zazwyczaj użytkownicy Facebooka przybyli tam z nk.pl lub Twittera. Z MySpace wcale, ponieważ ci uznają Facebooka za kiepski wymysł jakiegoś studentasa. Facebook w przeciwieństwie od nk.pl ma masę ciekawych aplikacji (m.in. FarmVille pozwalająca na uprawę marihuany i klonów kapusty).
- thumb|right|100px|Imatge emprada al Facebook L'espai del grup al Facebook va ser anunciat per Vicent al fòrum sva el 23 de novembre de 2008. Va ser l'eina més emprada per a la promoció del Sexe, putxero i rock & roll, ja que totes les cançons van ser penjades al facebook abans que es posara a la venda l'àlbum.
- The social network Facebook has Civilization-style games and groups devoted to such matters.
- Facebook är ett socialt nätverkande webbplats på Jorden där användarna kan lägga till personer som vänner och skicka meddelanden till dem, och uppdatera sina personliga profiler för att meddela vänner om sig själva. Dessutom kan användare ansluta till nätverk som organiseras av en arbetsplats, skola eller högskola. Medan instängd i en avskild del av Destiny med Chloe Armstrong under Lucian Alliansen invasion under 2009, Eli Wallace anmärkte på hur människor tenderar att "lägga till" vänner oavsett ens faktiska bekantskap. Det var efter en anmärkning av Chloe som hon uppgav att Eli var en fantastisk vän, som Eli svarade med att säga att man aldrig kan ha för många av dem. (SGU: "Incursion, Part 2")
- Facebook is a popular real life social networking website featured on the Simpsons on recent occasions.
- facebook (pronunțat /'feis.buk/ v. AFI) este un site web de tip rețea de socializare din Internet, creat de către Mark Zuckerberg în anul 2004 pentru a oferi posibilitatea de a contacta persoane apropiate, dar și persoane încă necunoscute.
- 200px|rechts|center Facebook (zu deutsch Poesiealbum) ist eine freiwillige Vorratsdatenspeicherung mit Sitz in den USA. Über Nutzer (Nutzvieh) hinterlegen hier persönliche Daten, Kreditkartennummern, sexuelle Vorlieben und Bilder vom letzten Komasaufen, damit gewerbetreibende Firmen, Personalchefs oder die eigene Mutti sich besser über diese Individuen informieren können.
- Facebook是目前全世界最廣為使用的社群網站。其中有許多與《哆啦A夢》相關的社團和粉絲團頁面。
- Facebook is a social networking website. The Indiana Jones franchise has had a Facebook presence since around February 2008, created to promote the release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in theaters in the May of that year. The Indiana Jones account has also been a source of news on the series and acted as a redirect for the official website IndianaJones.com's URL when the main site has been redesigned. From 2011 to 2013, Facebook hosted Indiana Jones Adventure World, a social game by Zynga.
- Facebook serves as an excuse for teens to whine about stuff and for adults to show Everybody what they cooked for DINNER. It is also a common battlefield for various political and religious debates; something that would be a no-no in more civilized areas. Facebook is also where Pedo Bear lives and the third time champ of the Hater of the Internet award.
- The Facebook integration on your Nintendo DSi camera application was a photo functioning social networking website that allowed users to share their photos with other people. You will need a wireless internet connection if you want to access it. It will upload the photo after asking you for your Facebook email and password (it saves the email and asks you the password every session). You can then go to Facebook and setup what to do with the picture(s). All DS versions have WiFi so you can have other people connect to you by having a Nintendo DSi system and can send them pictures. The Facebook integration was discontinued on January 29th, 2014.
- Facebook es un rede sosial lansada en febrero 2004 operada e poseseda par Facebook, Inc. En janero 2011, el ia ave 600 miliones de usores.
- Facebook er en erstattning til det sangnomsuste MySpace. Her legger man inn bilder av seg selv og skriver på vegger. Man kan også delta i grupper. Man prøver å få mange inn i gruppene sine slik at man kan bytte mellomnavn til facebook. Facebook stammer fra det engelske ordet facebook, som betyr fjesbook. Facebook ble grunnlagt av David Hasselhoff. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
- The Facebook is an evil monster of unknown origin out to destroy the religion people of Youtube as well as all the U.S.B's. The Facebook also serves as a meeting place for all the androids, currently the androids meet in the facebook's stomach which they affectionately call the meeting
- Facebook is a social networking website that is operated andprivately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. The website's name stems from the colloquial name of a book given to incoming students at Zuckerberg's high school alma mater, Phillips Exeter Academy. The book shows the faces and names of the school's students and faculty.
- Facebook is a social networking service used by over a billion people worldwide. Companies associated with Muppet characters maintain several accounts for their franchises, often using them to distribute original content.
- Feisbuc, in italiano "Faccialibro" (anche noto come Fakebook, Fessbook, Facebukkake, libro dei fessi, Failbook o, in recente traduzione toscanaccia Facciadibuco ovvero "Book in Face") si autodefinisce "social network" nonostante sia in verità un A-social network, tenendo conto della massa di asociali sfigati che lo popolano. Il suo obiettivo primario è privare di ogni significato la parola amico.
- Facebook is a popular social media website that thieves viewership from YouTube in order to collect more ad revenue. It is the unholy domain of Josh Feuerstein and several other evangelical fucktards. Some Drunken Peasants Fans have created a Facebook Fan Club. The Peasants themselves have a Facebook page where videos and fan art can be submitted to them.
- Facebook is a social-networking website that allows groups of friends to stay in touch and share various media. Developed in 2004 in its current guise, the website has overtaken websites such as Myspace and Bebo to become the world's biggest social network, although it is currently competing with micro-blogger Twitter.
- In "And I'm Joyce Kinney", Lois states she thought she and Joyce Kinney were good friends that communicate poorly through Facebook. It flashed the screen to a picture of Lois Griffin's Facebook Profile stating her Aunt Clara had passed away and was sorry for what she had to go through with cancer. Moments later we see Joyce Kinney "Liking" the comment Lois had made. In "Back to the Pilot", Stewie worried that interference in the past may alter the timeline so that the Cookie Monster invented Facebook and named it Cookiebook.
- Donna Noble compared the Sub-Wave Network to an "outer-space" Facebook. (TV: The Stolen Earth) During the Atraxi incident in 2008, the Eleventh Doctor told Jeff Angelo to spread one word ("zero") across the whole world. Facebook was one of the ways the Doctor suggested. (TV: The Eleventh Hour) In 2009, after the Torchwood Three team accidentally drove off the Severn Bridge, they heard a mysterious voice under the water. Back at the Hub, Ianto Jones stated that it was hit on Facebook. (AUDIO: Submission)
- The Monster High Facebook account is the second of the social media accounts Mattel made to support the franchise. The account was made on December 17, 2009 in order to have it secured for the franchise's launch, meaning the account wasn't made use of until August 4, 2010. The first post was an introduction post by the Facebook host, a student of Monster High whose identity has yet to be revealed but who is definitely not one of the established characters.
- Facebook(原本称作thefacebook)是一家位于美国门洛帕克的在线社交网络服务网站。其名称的灵感来自美国高中提供给学生包含照片和联系数据的通讯录(或称花名册)昵称“face book”。 除了文字消息之外,用户可发送图片、视频和声音媒体消息(现在也可以发送其他文件类型如.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx等,但是.exe可能会被禁止发送)给其他用户,以及通过集成的地图功能分享用户的所在位置。Facebook是在2004年2月4日由马克·扎克伯格与他的哈佛大学室友们所创作。Facebook的会员最初只限于哈佛学生加入,但后来逐渐扩展到其他在波士顿区域的同学也能使用,包括一些常春藤名校与斯坦福大学等。接着逐渐支持让其他大学和高中学生加入,并在最后开放给任何13岁或以上的人使用。 现在Facebook允许任何声明自己年满13岁的用户注册。 Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格是世界上最著名的CEO之一。而马克·扎克伯格曾经的朋友与商业合作伙伴爱德华多·萨维林在新加坡亦十分知名。
- Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, and school or college. The website's name stems from the colloquial name of books given at the start of the academic year by university administrations with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better.
- Po mnoho tisíc let byla nejzábavnější činností, kterou jste mohli provádět, když jste byli sami doma, masturbace. Změnilo se to teprve v 21. století příchodem Facebooku (český překlad zní Tlamoalbum, skutečný název Fecebook, maďarský Faszbook). Opravdoví fanatici dokonce tvrdí, že Facebook je lepší než sex (myšleno ve víc než jednom člověku a bez kalhot). Editoři Necyklopedie se k tomu bohužel nemohou fundovaně vyjádřit, protože ani na jedno nemají čas. VTN nedávno přišel na to, že šlužba bude pšejmenováná na Fecebook (Výkaloalbum ).
- Facebook started out as thefacebook.com, which was intended to be a social networking site for college students. Originally, it was much more low-key than My Space: A user needed an official school e-mail address to join. To a registered user, the interface worked somewhat similarly (a user could view everyone in his network, but would have to add friends from other networks to view their profiles). Because it came out in spring 2004, anyone who had graduated from college in 2003 or earlier was essentially forbidden from becoming a member, due to their lack of an official school account. Schools were also added piecemeal, so your friend might invite you to join, but find that your college wasn't in the site's database yet.
- Facebook is an online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Since 2006, anyone who is at least 13 years old is allowed to become a registered user of the website, though the age requirement may be higher depending on applicable local laws. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the direct
- This article is about the social networking service. For the type of directory, see face book. Facebook is an online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Since 2006, anyone who is at least 13 years old is allowed to become a registered user of the website, though the age requirement may b
- Facebook, alebo aj Fejsbúk či Facebug (podľa známeho Píš ako ti hovorím, niekto asociáciách naráža aj na domienku, že vraj Ficbook) (v preklade časová kniha či časožrút; nazývaný tiež Kniha mnohých Tvárí, alebo aj Tvár mnohých Kníh; Jedna Kniha čo Všetky Tváre Spojí, Jedna Tvár Čo Všetky Knihy Prečíta) je takzvaná PSS - paranoidno-sociálna sieť, v ktorej keď raz užívateľ uviazne, tak sa buď stane paranoikom alebo sociálom (čo je, podľa definície, horšie ako byť asociálom, sociálkou, sockou, socialistom, komunistom), alebo obojím. ( a to že bol zalôžený 22.3.1975 P.V.T sme zabudli povedať )
- Facebook is an online social networking service. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directory given to students at some American universities. Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to their high-school students. Facebook now allows anyone who claims to be at least 13 years old worldwide to become a registered user of the website, even though proof isn't required.
- Facebook is a global social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region. The website's name stems from the colloquial name of books given at the start of the academic year by university administrations with the intention of helping students get to know each other better.
- Hace poco un amigo mío me notificó de la presencia desbordante de una red social conocida mundialmente como Facebook. Es un sitio web muy divertido cuando te sumerges en su mundo con la suficiente frecuencia. Pero el amigo que me introdujo en ese mundo ya no está con nosotros, por desgracia. Jamás la policía dio con ninguna evidencia de asesinato por lo que se sostuvo que se trataba de un suicidio. Lo escalofriante y retorcido tiene su origen en el hecho de que su muerte aconteció aproximadamente dos días tras mostrarme el sitio web. Mi nombre... Sentí un mal presentimiento. Temblé de rabia. "No."
- Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook Inc. As of February 2012, Facebook has more than 845 million active users. Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Close Friends". The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help
- Seit kurzem bin ich mit meinem Freund auf einer Website. Facebook. Es ist eine wirklich lustige Website, wenn du es oft genug benutzt. Der Freund, dem ich Facebook gezeigt habe, ist leider nicht mehr bei uns. Die Polizei konnte keine Hinweise auf einen Mörder finden, also sind sie davon ausgegangen, dass es ein Selbstmord war. Die gruselige Sache ist nur: das war nur zwei Tage, nachdem ich ihm die Website zeigte. Meine Freundin sah zur Seite. "Glaubst du, es lag an Facebook? Könnte sein, dass es das verursacht hat?", murmelte sie. "Alles klar", murmelte ich zurück, nur halb zuhörend. "Nein!"
- Feisbuk és una pàgina web (grandària extra ofica) de interconexió múndial creada per renaixentistes francesos del segle XVIII, on es reunen milers i milions de persones de tot el món i a tota hora per a fer absolutament GENS. thumb|El mur del feisbu