| - Phoebus
- History of character is unknown.
- Phoebus is een bijpersoon uit De Klokkenluider van de Notre Dame en De Klokkenluider van de Notre Dame II. Hij is kapitein voor Claude Frollo tot hij weigert een gezin in een huis te laten verbranden. Hij is tevens de man van Esmeralda waar hij een kind mee krijgt, Zephyr.
- Captain Phoebus is the tritagonist in Disney's 1996 animated feature film The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
- Captain Phoebus (El Capitán Febo en español) es un personaje de la película The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
- Phoebus is the tritagonist of Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He is voiced by Kevin Kline, who reprised his role in the sequel.
- Phoebus was an Outer Rim planet near Elerion.
- Pretty awesome. Pic related.
- Phoebus era un planeta en los Territorios del Borde Exterior cerca de Elerion.
- Phoebus ist ein nicht-spielbarer Charakter, der in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance auftaucht. Er lebt in der Welt La Cité des Cloches und dient als Hauptmann der Stadtwache, die dem Richter Claude Frollo untersteht. Zunächst steht er loyal zu Frollo, aber als Phoebus bemerkt, dass die Methoden des Richters zur Beseitigung der Zigeuner immer skrupelloser werden und dieser ihm sogar befiehlt das Haus eines unschuldigen Müllers niederzubrennen, wendet er sich von Frollo ab und weigert sich fortan dem Richter zu gehorchen. Ursprünglich stammt er aus dem Disney Zeichentrickfilm Der Glöckner von Notre Dame aus dem Jahre 1996.
- She fought against Thalan until they were the last two fighters to the extent that she was able to learn his strengths and weaknesses. When her ship was damaged, she was forced to eject and she survived in a stasis pod in the Kohal system long into old age.
- Phoebus var en kvinnlig människa och var den enda överlevande efter en länge utdöd civilisation som var nästan helt utplånats av Thalan's folk.
- In the original novel, Phoebus is an antagonist. Despite being of noble birth and very handsome, he is also vain, untrustworthy, and a womanizer. He saves Esméralda from Quasimodo and she falls in love with him. Phoebus makes a convincing show of returning her affections, but merely wants a night of passion. Esméralda arranges to meet Phoebus and tells him of her love for him, and he convinces her that he feels the same way about her. He is in fact engaged to another woman, the spiteful socialite Fleur-de-Lys de Gondelaurier. Not only that, he has agreed to let Claude Frollo spy on his meeting with Esméralda. This decision proves his undoing, since as the couple prepare to have sex, the jealous Claude Frollo attacks Phoebus by stabbing him in the back. Frollo makes a quick get-away and Pho
- Phoebus is the Diadochian god of music, art, prophecy, archery, plague, medicine, sunlight and knowledge. While he was said to have control over the sun-rays he was not the sun-god (this role was filled by Helios the personification of the Sun). He was one of the most important and complex of all the Diadochian deities. Phoebus is the son of Jupiter and Lotós, and his twin sister was the chaste huntress Kóris.