| - right El magatama es una herramienta de la técnica de canalización Kurain. Ayuda a mejorar las habilidades del médium. Su forma es como la de medio Yin y Yang. Solo los del Clan Fey, Miles Edgeworth (temporalmente) y Phoenix Wright poseen uno, a este último se lo dio su asistente Maya Fey, y Pearl Fey lo llenó de energía espiritual. Los magatamas originalmente en el Japón antiguo sirvieron como joyería decorativa, o como objetos ceremoniales y religiosos.
- Maya remains unaware of what the magatama actually does after Pearl charges it with spiritual energy until The Stolen Turnabout. This is mostly because of her absence from Reunion, and Turnabout and Farewell, My Turnabout, having been incarcerated and kidnapped, respectively. In Turnabout Big Top, whilst Psyche-Locks appear, Wright doesn't mention them to Maya.
| - Maya remains unaware of what the magatama actually does after Pearl charges it with spiritual energy until The Stolen Turnabout. This is mostly because of her absence from Reunion, and Turnabout and Farewell, My Turnabout, having been incarcerated and kidnapped, respectively. In Turnabout Big Top, whilst Psyche-Locks appear, Wright doesn't mention them to Maya. Magatamas are mostly known of and owned by the Fey clan, although occult enthusiasts seem to know of them as well. Dick Gumshoe believed that the magatama was candy due to its slight translucence and smooth texture, and thus tried to eat it on several occasions.
- right El magatama es una herramienta de la técnica de canalización Kurain. Ayuda a mejorar las habilidades del médium. Su forma es como la de medio Yin y Yang. Solo los del Clan Fey, Miles Edgeworth (temporalmente) y Phoenix Wright poseen uno, a este último se lo dio su asistente Maya Fey, y Pearl Fey lo llenó de energía espiritual. Los magatamas originalmente en el Japón antiguo sirvieron como joyería decorativa, o como objetos ceremoniales y religiosos.