| - Paratroopers are infantry, functioning as part of an airborne force, who use parachutes to safely jump out of planes to (usually) land behind enemy lines.
- Designate any ground unit of your as airborne. It can be carried by air unit and dropped (subject to AA). If dropped into battle, it attacks only at a 1.
- There are two characters who have shared the same code name Airborne:
* Airborne - the original character who debuted in the 1983 edition of the A Real American Hero toy line.
* Airborne - one of six members of the G.I. Joe Sky Patrol team and debuted in the 1990 edition of the A Real American Hero toy line.
- "Airborne" is a third-season House episode that first aired on April 10, 2007. On a trans-polar flight from Singapore to New York, House and Cuddy face a “Flight Into Danger” as the passengers around them keep getting sick and even Cuddy seems to be affected. Meanwhile, back in Princeton, Wilson leads House’s team when a middle-aged woman seems to be suffering from her recent decision to live life to its fullest.
- Airborne is the name of several characters in superhero fiction.
- Airborne is the first level of Chapter 2 of Turok: Evolution.
- Airborne is a mini game easter egg level
- Prawdziwe imię i nazwisko: Jeannette Voleroux Inne pseudonimy: Brak Aktualny status: Nieznany Uniwersum: 616 Klasa: Nadczłowiek Narodowość: Amerykanka Debiut: Spider-Man and X-Factor: Shadowgames #1 [1994] Powiązania z grupami: Project: Homegrown, Shadowforce
- Airborne is a sailing book by William F. Buckley, Jr.
- The oil-rich Navajo parents of SGT. AIRBORNE indulged their eldest son with skydiving lessons. Also having an interest in the legal system, he studied law and passed the Arizona State Bar exams. He joined the Army and opted for airborne training. SGT. AIRBORNE jokes around and gets loose, but he’s serious too… dead serious. You look at him and sometimes he’s looking right through you. It must be the Native American in him. The Navajos call it “the far-seeing look.” He graduated at the top of his class from Airborne School and Ranger Training, Fort Benning. Qualified expert: Hughes Helicopter Chain Gun, M-16, M-60 and M-1911A auto pistol.
- "Airborne" is the second story in the Star Trek Online: Valkyries series. It is also the introductory story for main character Sam Hayashi. No other "Valkyries" appear in this story.
- Airborne is a 1998 movie of rather dubious quality. In it, Mach 1, a special ops team, is asked to retrieve a canister of a deadly virus which is being stolen by thieves who are escaping with it on an airplane.
- Airborne's parents are oil-rich Navajos who indulged their eldest son with sky-diving lessons, forever setting his love for being in the air. In college, he studied law and passed the Arizona State Bar exams. He later joined the army and opted for airborne training, graduating top of class from Fort Benning Airborne School. He is an expert in using Hughes Helicopter Chain Gun, M-16, M-60 and M-1911A auto pistol.
- A 1993 film starring Shane McDermott as Mitchell Goosen, a California teen who loves surfing and in-line skating. His zoologist parents have moved to Australia for six months for grant work, but Mitch couldn't go with them, so is sent off to Cincinnati with his aunt and uncle to finish off high school. As expected, he has an awkward time fitting in. Mitch also meets his equally awkward cousin Wiley, whose parents -- while loving and understanding -- are a bit old-fashioned. Airborne was universally panned by critics, scoring a 17% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
- The level starts with the squad near the back of the An-225 where they stowed away. Redford orders Marlowe to storm a guard that is in front of them, knife him, and then take his weapon. Just as Preston is about to reach the guard, another guard pops out and alerts the first just before Marlowe stabs him. The other guard throws down his weapon since its out of ammo and he starts charging at Preston with his knife while Preston reloads. Marlowe shoots the guard and the squad proceeds to look for ammo.
- Airbone forces are the soldiers that are inserted into battle by parachuting and riding gliders into battle. German forces first used paratroopers in an airborne invasion of Denmark and Norway in 1940. German paratroopers under General Kurt Student defeated a larger Allied garrison depsite taking heavy losses in May 1941. Allied forces used paratroopers to the support offensives in the European area during the Sicily offense D-day, Operation Overlord, Operation Market Garden, and crossing the Rhine.
- NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. Remember how I did those reviews of late ‘80s/early 90’s commercials? (Brief clips of his past commercial reviews are shown) NC (voiceover): You know, the ones I said sort of existed in their own cheesy little world? NC: Well, what if there existed an entire movie like that? (A woman’s prolonged scream is heard off-screen) Yes, indeed, and I betcha anything, it would be called Airborne. (The film’s title screen is shown, followed by a montage of clips from the movie as NC speaks) (The movie begins) Man #1: Board meetings!
- New enemies:
* Reaver You're on board a Locust Barge en route to Anvil Gate. When you see several barges attacking an ammunition outpost, you hear Dizzy calling for backup and Marcus tells him they're on their way. Dizzy is astonished to hear from him and that he hijacked a Locust Barge. You need to blow up the ammo crates inside the barges to shoot them out. Once you're done, you drop off the Barge and come to Dizzy's aid.