| - Final Fantasy IV è un videogioco di ruolo della Squaresoft, disegnato da Yoshitaka Amano e sceneggiato da Hironobu Sakaguchi, dopo che questi aveva provato a fumarsi una canna usando una pagina della Divina Commedia. È famoso per aver ricevuto un remake, un porting o una sottospecie di seguito per ogni console esistente e anche per un paio mai commercializzate. Al contrario degli altri capitoli della saga, questo gioco è effettivamente Fantasy. Perlomeno finché non bisognerà utilizzare un'astronave per arrivare sulla Luna.
- Final Fantasy IV est le quatrième épisode de la série Final Fantasy. Sorti sur SNES, le jeu possède plusieurs remakes sur PlayStation, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS et PlayStation Portable. Jeu de rôle développé par Square Co., Ltd., le jeu est sorti en 1991 au Japon. Le jeu est sorti au Etats-Unis sous le nom Final Fantasy II. Cette confusion vient du fait que Final Fantasy IV fut le second jeu à sorti en Amérique, après Final Fantasy. Une séquelle, Final Fantasy IV: Les Années Suivantes, vit le jour au Japon en février 2008, sur téléphone mobile.
- Final Fantasy IV es el cuarto título de la saga principal de Final Fantasy. Fue desarrollado y publicado por Squaresoft en 1991 y fue el primer juego de la saga que salió para la consola SNES. Final Fantasy IV supuso una auténtica revolución en la serie al ser el primer juego en contar con un argumento pre-establecido y en ser el primer juego en incentivar la importancia del argumento por sobre el resto del juego en la franquicia.
- Originally released in America as Final Fantasy II for the Super Nintendo. Was also brought to the PlayStation, Game Boy Advance, and a remade 3D version for the DS.
- The game was well received by critics and fans alike; it was praised for being sufficiently faithful to the original while expanding on many gameplay and story elements.
- Final Fantasy IV è il quarto capitolo della serie Final Fantasy. Originariamente rilasciato per Super Nintendo Entertaiment System, il gioco è stato successivamente rilasciato per Playstation, WonderSwan Color, Game Boy Advance e Nintendo DS, iOS e Android. E' uscito in America del Nord con il nome di Final Fantasy II e, come Final Fantasy VI, divenne Final Fantasy III, creando una confusione non indifferente quando uscì Final Fantasy VII. Un sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, dapprima rilasciato per i cellulari in Giappone nel Febbraio 2008, uscì via Wii Ware negli Stati Uniti il 1° Giugno del 2009, mentre in Europa il 5 Giugno.
- Final fantasy -sarjan neljäs osa. Alunperin ilmestymyt Super Ninendo Entertaiment System:iin, myöhemmin Playstation 1:lle. Pelistä on tehty uusi versio Ninendo DS:lle, mutta tarina ja hahmot ovat silti niin kuin alkuperäisessä vain grafiikka ja musiikki on muuttunut paremmaksi.
- Final Fantasy IV to czwarta gra z serii Final Fantasy. Pierwotnie, gra została wydana na konsolę Super Nintendo Entertainment System, lecz później doczekała się wersji na PlayStation, WonderSwan Color, Gameboy Advance oraz remake’u na konsolę Nintendo DS. W Ameryce Północnej była znana jako Final Fantasy II. Sequel gry, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years został wydany na telefony komórkowe w Japonii w lutym 2008 roku, zaś w Ameryce na WiiWare 1 czerwca 2009.
- Final Fantasy IV is the fourth installment in the Final Fantasy series developed by Square/Square Enix. It was originally released for Nintendo Super Famicom, and later ported or remade and released for other consoles. It is a favorite among many fans, and has the first cast of characters in the series that players grew to know to such a degree that they became almost more than mere video game characters.
- Final Fantasy IV is a live action film based on a video game sequel to Final Fantasy III, starring
- It was originally released in North America as Final Fantasy II. This altered numbering system caused the game Final Fantasy VI to be numbered Final Fantasy III, leading to confusion when the PlayStation game Final Fantasy VII (which retained the number VII outside Japan) came out. A sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, was released for Japanese mobile phones in February 2008. The sequel was released via WiiWare in the US on June 1, 2009, and is included in Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection for the PlayStation Portable.
- thumb|left|Eine Kampfszene Das Kampfsystem in Final Fantasy IV ist den Regeln des normalen Rollenspiels angelehnt: Charaktere durchqueren eine Oberwelt auf der Suche nach verschiedenen Aufgaben, reisen in Städte, kaufen neue Ausrüstung und entdecken Hinweise, während sie in unregelmäßigen Abständen gegen Monster oder Monsterparties kämpfen müssen. Das Spiel führt außerdem das Active Time Battle-System (kurz ATB) ein, welches sich von früheren Final Fantasy-Spielen unterscheidet, da der Spieler den Charakteren in Echtzeit verschiedene Befehle geben muss. Das ATB-System taucht sowohl in den fünf nächsten Spielen der Hauptserie auf, als auch in anderen von Squaresoft bzw. Square Enix produzierten Spielen, wie z.B. Chrono Trigger oder auch Final Fantasy X-2.
- Final Fantasy IV (ファイナルファンタジーIV Файнару Фантадзи Фо) — четвертая игра из серии Final Fantasy. Первоначально она была выпущена для Super Nintendo Entertainment System, впоследствии переиздана для PlayStation, WonderSwan Color, Game Boy Advance и Nintendo DS. Первый выпуск игры в Северной Америке вышел под названием Final Fantasy II. Это привело к несовпадению в нумерациях японских и американских релизов серии, и поэтому, например, Final Fantasy VI была пронумерована на Западе как Final Fantasy III. Однако впоследствии нумерация американских выпусков была приведена в соответствие с японскими.
- Final Fantasy IV (ファイナルファンタジーIV, Fainaru Fantajī Fō) is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) in 1991 as a part of the Final Fantasy series. The game was originally released for the Super Famicom in Japan and has since been rereleased for many other platforms with varying modifications. The game was re-titled Final Fantasy II during its initial release outside of Japan as the original Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy III had not been released outside of Japan at the time. However, later localizations used the original title.
- Final Fantasy IV is a RPG video game that was released both in Japan and America in 1991. In America it was first titled Final Fantasy II, but the remakes have gone back to IV. The game is known for introducing the active time battle system, which has been implemented in various other RPG's following it, including six other Final Fantasy titles.
- Final Fantasy IV (Japanese: ファイナルファンタジーIV; Fainaru Fantajī Aye-Vee) is a high-scoring, best-selling game in the Final Fantasy series. It introduced many new aspects to the series, such as plot, names, and numerous characters wearing very similar armor that you can hardly distinguish from one another. The story takes place in a fictional world, and, like all Final Fantasy games, follows the game's lead character as he ignores a hot girl trying to seduce him, and stalk his "best friend" instead.
- The fourth entry in the face-meltingly popular Final Fantasy game series. The main character of this tale is Cecil, a Dark Knight in the service of the King of Baron. After questioning the recent warmongering of his king, he is demoted to errand boy and sent to a village called Mist in order to deliver a package and slay a dragon menacing its borders. He is joined by his best friend and rival, a Dragoon named Kain. Once they reach the village, they discover that nothing is quite what they have been told: they have been used as disposable pawns in Baron's ongoing crusade to capture the Power Crystals that exist around the world. Cecil vows to stop the evil intentions of Baron, but first he must atone for the sins that he committed in its service and overcome his own inner darkness.
- Final Fantasy IV is the second game released in America. SPOILERS! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! The protagonist is Cecil Harvey who start out as a badass character until he becomes a Paladin where he becomes more girly in appearance than other male characters.