| - Ponies
- Poffins are made from Berries. The flavor of the berry determines the flavor of the Poffin. You are able to make Poffins at the Poffin House in Hearthome City. However, you must obtain the Poffin Case from the Pokémon Fan Club chairman, also in Hearthome City, in order to do so. Poffin levels can be found with this formula: Example: Find the level of a Poffin that has 3 burns and 1 spill, is finished for 47 seconds, and Passho Berry is used. (Passho Berry has a base level of 37) Substituting everything from the formula above: Rouding it off to the nearest poffin level:
- In order to create a Poffin, each player must have a Poffin Case and at least one berry. Once these items are obtained, the player must go to Hearthome City and then head to the the Poffin House, which is west of the Poke Mart,
| - Ponies
- Poffins are made from Berries. The flavor of the berry determines the flavor of the Poffin. You are able to make Poffins at the Poffin House in Hearthome City. However, you must obtain the Poffin Case from the Pokémon Fan Club chairman, also in Hearthome City, in order to do so. Poffin levels can be found with this formula: B is the base level (Berries are always categorized in specific numbers that are their base levels and is analogous to the chemicals of the periodic table; always look for the berry's number) T is the time taken in seconds (range between > 0 and < 60) b is the number of burns s is the number of spills Example: Find the level of a Poffin that has 3 burns and 1 spill, is finished for 47 seconds, and Passho Berry is used. (Passho Berry has a base level of 37) Substituting everything from the formula above: Rouding it off to the nearest poffin level: Therefore, the level of the Poffin is 43.
- In order to create a Poffin, each player must have a Poffin Case and at least one berry. Once these items are obtained, the player must go to Hearthome City and then head to the the Poffin House, which is west of the Poke Mart, From there, the player must talk to the NPC in front of a pot to create Poffins. Poffins may be made by either the player alone or with up to four friends via the DS's built-in local wireless feature. After this, the player chooses a berry, similar to how Pokéblocks are made. Using the stylus, the player must stir the Poffin's dough around until it turns brown and spotted. The player should note that only 100 Poffins can be stored.