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- #fap fap fap... sorry, what? PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|07:18 17 Apr
- #Dudes, with all you guys living in Knowle's suburbs, just walk over there and get a feel for the town, then fix up this page if it needs it. Why delete something which major users use to do their shopping, drinking, and pick-ups. Jeex. Aleister Former Mayor of Knowle West
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- *Unsure. He's notable in his own way, but this article is irredeemable without complete rewrite. Consider this a delete vote that could be changed by a decent rewrite. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|01:25 29 Apr
- *I can see what has been attempted. Merge with Scam letter? PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|01:16 21 Apr
**Nahhh. I mean...that one's yours, right? Do what ya want. But I don't see anything worth keeping.Bizzeebeever/signature|20120422003804
***I've got a copy in user space if I ever decide to do the merge. So for now I'll just say delete. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|07:29 22 Apr
- *I should make this clear - the way this is set up works on monobook, but not very well and it doesn't work on Vector at all . This could probably be worked on to be able to change the background on vector skin with no major issue. To get this to work properly on both vector and monobook would take a lot more effort including screwing with the current skin - more than it's worth for the handful of pages currently using it. That, and the fact that we probably shouldn't have people able to play with the nav menu to the point where you could create a nav menu that looks fine but takes you to Conservapedia. Or the short version - It's ugly, doesn't work, and we probably shouldn't have it. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|06:04 15 Apr
- *You know what? I did like this at first , but Psyché really is infinitely better, and since "mind" really is synonymous with "psyche", I can't defend having two of these around when one kicks the other's ass.Bizzeebeever/signature|20120422051533
Huffed and Redirected MrN9000/sig (12:10, Apr 22)
- Huffed and Redirected MrN9000/sig (23:46, Apr 15)
- Kept MrN9000/sig (15:12, Apr 19)
- Kept MrN9000/sig (15:20, Apr 14)
- Kept MrN9000/sig (16:37, Apr 13)
- Kept MrN9000/sig (16:38, Apr 13)
- You did not make a good enough effort to find the best version in the page history before nomination, and people have voted based on what was not the best version so... Kept. If you still hate this article wait a while and try nominating it again. MrN9000/sig (16:44, Apr 13)
- *I'm putting this comment here, just to fuck with Frosty's email account. Forgetting to uncheck "Email me every time a page I'm watching is changed", for the loss.Bizzeebeever/signature|20120421110830
- *I'm not going to vote "delete", but I'm on frosty's side, especially when you read this. Oliphaunte's points were all pretty much right-on.Bizzeebeever/signature|20120427005243
Kept MrN9000/sig (19:15, Apr 28)
- Warning: You did not read this article. It does not exist. Shhh. Now Bugger Off. And don't say anything to anybody or you will be huffed. MrN9000/sig (17:34, Apr 14)
Kept MrN9000/sig (23:44, Apr 15)
- *Should delete everything on this page, too. Same guy.Bizzeebeever/signature|20120426060627
- *See, like I said to SlyFox...leave it up to the Krauts and the Japs to come up with words for weird concepts...Bizzeebeever/signature|20120425091811
Kept MrN9000/sig (19:10, Apr 27)
- *And Mr-ex, [{{fullurl:User:PuppyOnTheRadio/419?|=681630&action=history}} you're not the only one]. PuppyOnTheRadio/sig3|10:56 22 Apr