| - This match pic is in such stark contrast compared to the last one. All four looked great, although Zero was completely irrelevant in the actual match. So was Link, really, when you think about it. He got first place, as usual, yawn. Honestly, I don't really blame the format here since the first fourway was fine. It was the two that followed that mostly sucked, with the final nail being how pissed off everyone got when our long-awaited games contest sequel was ruined by fourway generational divisions.
| - This match pic is in such stark contrast compared to the last one. All four looked great, although Zero was completely irrelevant in the actual match. So was Link, really, when you think about it. He got first place, as usual, yawn. This was all about Crono v Vincent, the most hyped match of the contest and for good reason. Contest people are obsessed with the Noble Nine to an ungodly sad degree -- Remember what the board looked like when Missingno beat Crono? I've never been more embarrassed to be considered a Board 8 regular -- and Crono wasn't overly impressive in either of his first two matches, especially with letting Zero get so close last round. Vincent looked somewhat "bad", but against much better competition. This was the best chance yet to break the Noble Nine's winning streak. I actually picked Vincent to win this, because the writing has been on the wall for Crono's decline for years and part because I am an absolute Vincent fanboy. If there was an upset I had I pick right, this was it, and I am proud to say I was a massive reason the hype for this match was so huge. Adding to that, look at the actual poll. Link, Zero, Crono. Also known as Nintendo, SNES/PSX, SNES/PSX. Vincent stood out like a sore thumb, so he was prime to pull off the upset. Then the match started. tran covered some of the funnier quotes and I'm too lazy to go and look up more, but needless to say people were bragging hard on Crono's behalf. And they had every reason to. In 5 minutes, Crono led by 150 votes and 10 minutes later the lead was doubled. Coming back from stuff like this is extremely rare, and Crono made sure to make it even worse. After an hour, he led by 660 and the lead breached 1000 an hour later. Crono started slowing down a lot from here, but still pushed the lead to 1100 at 3 a.m. Sometimes our hype is worth it, but here it seemed pointless. Tons of bragging about the Noble Nine staying alive, tons of whining about it, and so on and so on. Everyone that was here remembers all of it, and needless to say Noble Nine arguments are seriously the dumbest thing this board argues about. Why some people care this much about whether or not nine characters only lose to each other is just beyond me, and the worst part is it was nothing compared to the crap that happened after Crono lost to Missingno. There is a serious lack of a collective sex life on Board 8, let me tell you. Deny it all you want, children, but you know it's true. Of course, there was one problem with all this. Right at 3 a.m., Crono just died. His lead would never reach 1150, and come the dead zone (that time between 3 and 6:30 or so when FF7 tends to dominate) Vincent started rolling. He stalled Crono for a couple hours, got the lead under 1000 by 5 and then just started going nuts. 1000 votes was knocked under 900 within 30 minutes, and he just kept right on rolling through the morning vote. Given Crono's historically pathetic day vote paired with Final Fantasy 7's historically good day vote, the match was basically over. There was just too much SNES overlap here and FF7 was on an island being leashed by next to nothing, and finishing it off was academic. Vincent caught all the way up by 10, and though Crono was able to stall him for an hour and a half his bad day vote wouldn't allow him to retain the pace. Before long Vincent started building a lead, and before we knew it the match was over for good. Vincent went on to win this thing by 1700 votes, and what this win meant for the Noble Nine I honestly don't care about. It's not like L-Block didn't come out and render the entire argument idiotic or anything. Crono would also get his revenge in 2008 with a much friendlier poll that wasn't basically 3 SNES characters versus Final Fantasy 7. Honestly, I don't really blame the format here since the first fourway was fine. It was the two that followed that mostly sucked, with the final nail being how pissed off everyone got when our long-awaited games contest sequel was ruined by fourway generational divisions.