The user is capable of using powerful attacks and/or techniques after they fulfill certain requirements, such as channeling enough power or being near-death.
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| - The user is capable of using powerful attacks and/or techniques after they fulfill certain requirements, such as channeling enough power or being near-death.
- STR, VIT, DEX, AGI, INT, WIS and Luck increased in 21.5%
- Specjalne ataki pojawiające się w siódmej i ósmej części serii Final Fantasy. Bohaterowie otrzymują je po otrzymaniu poważnych obrażeń od przeciwnika. Najczęściej jest to seria silnych ciosów jak Omnislash czy Lionheart lub nakładanie na cała drużynę pozytywnych statusów w rodzaju Great Gospel oraz Full Cure. Kategoria:Elementy gameplayu Kategoria:Limity
- "Limit Break" or "LB" for short (リミットブレイク Rimitto Bureiku), is a keyword introduced in the Trial Deck 5: Slash of Silver Wolf and Trial Deck 6: Resonance of Thunder Dragon. It is indicated by a speedometer followed by a variable number; File:LB4Icon.png / File:LB5Icon.png.
- Limit Breaks are unique, powerful attacks available during a point of time in Problem Sleuth. The name is derived from that game with the spiky haired protagonist that you all probably know about anyway. Ace Dick, and the other two versions of him all have the same animal, a Rapport Peacock. If any Ace Dick takes damage, the Rapport Peacocks flip out, filling the Ostentation Drive meter, which allows an even more incredible version of the Truffle Shuffle be delivered to an awaiting foe.
- When an Ally is in a max enhanced state, the Enhance button will be changed to a Limit Break button. For each level of Limit Break, an Ally of the same grade and gold is needed. For example: To Limit Break a S grade ally, an additional S grade Ally is needed. Be cautious as the ally used as fodder will disappear after the process. The success rate of Limit Break is always 100%. For each level of Limit Break achieved, a number will be added next to the Ally's name. For example: Priest Ranran MAX+1 from Priest Ranran MAX.
- In order to activate a Limit Break, the user must drop into a low amount of their HP, also known as the Alarm Zone. This area is marked as being yellow, as opposed to the rest of the green bar. After having dropped into the player's Alarm Zone, a small alarm will sound, along with the word "limit" flashing in yellow over the HP bar. This means that the player can hold down the File:ButtonA.png button for a few seconds to begin their Limit Break. Once the powerful attack has been triggered, a marker will begin to move down the HP bar, until it reaches the other end. At that point, the Limit Break ends, and the Alarm Zone is set closer to the end of the HP bar. To use the Limit Break again, the player must survive another attack to re-enter the Alarm Zone. Equipping the Final Limit panel mak
- |-| 2= "(3 warning alarms) Limit Break!" ―Elek Module Billy the Rod's activation announcement |-| 3= "(2 klaxon alarm blares/Fire truck-like warning blares) Limit Break!" ―Fire Module Hee-Hackgun's activation announcement |-| 5= "(3 klaxon-like alarms) Limit Break!" ―NS MagPhone's activation announcement |-| 6= "(Low-toned klaxon alarms) Limit Break!" ―Cosmic Module Barizun Sword's activation announcement |-| 7= "(Switch) On, Ready? (Switch), Limit Break!" ―Meteor Galaxy's activation announcement |-| 8= "Limit Break, OK!" ―Meteor Galaxy's activation announcement |-| 9=
- A powerful attack or technique available after some requirement during battles is fulfilled. Sometimes indicated by a refillable or chargeable gauge on the menu allowing the player to gauge when it will become available, how strong it will be, or so on; and the most common requirement is taking (or giving) damage in combat. Thusly, it's usually a kind of Evolving Attack. May overlap with Super Mode, or may be a form of Desperation Attack. It may be accompanied with a Super Move Portrait Attack. Examples of Limit Break include:
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| - Use special attacks after achieving specific conditions.
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| - Whenever Cloud Strife builds up his Limit gauge, he can execute his strongest Limit Break Omnislash.
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wikipage disambiguates
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| - |-| 2= "(3 warning alarms) Limit Break!" ―Elek Module Billy the Rod's activation announcement |-| 3= "(2 klaxon alarm blares/Fire truck-like warning blares) Limit Break!" ―Fire Module Hee-Hackgun's activation announcement |-| 5= "(3 klaxon-like alarms) Limit Break!" ―NS MagPhone's activation announcement |-| 6= "(Low-toned klaxon alarms) Limit Break!" ―Cosmic Module Barizun Sword's activation announcement |-| 7= "(Switch) On, Ready? (Switch), Limit Break!" ―Meteor Galaxy's activation announcement |-| 8= "Limit Break, OK!" ―Meteor Galaxy's activation announcement |-| 9= "(Rock music) Limit Break! (Power-up based standby noise) OK!" ―Meteor Storm Shaft's activation announcement Limit Breaks (リミットブレイク Rimitto Bureiku) are the finishing attack(s) of the in Kamen Rider Fourze. Fourze and Meteor can perform Limit Breaks, though Nadeshiko can't. When fighting Zodiarts, the Limit Break allows for a Kamen Rider to eject the Zodiarts Switch while leaving the Switcher who transformed unharmed, the Rider then switches off the Switch thus neutralizing the threat. However, it is also stated that Zodiarts Switches take a physical toll on the user as a consequence of the forced evolution, causing the longest-term users to dissolve into stardust after being defeated by a Limit Break rather than simply switching off. This fate ultimately befell the last two surviving Horoscopes, Kou Tatsugami and Mitsuaki Gamou. Final Episode: Youthful Galaxy Other heroes have also been shown to successfully neutralize Zodiarts with their Switchers surviving as seen when Kamen Rider Double, whose Maximum Drives are performed similarily to fight Dopants, defeated four Zodiarts transformed from members of Foundation X, Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO: Movie War Mega Max and when Inazuman defeated the Hercules Zodiarts, Kageto Banba. Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze: Movie War Ultimatum
- A powerful attack or technique available after some requirement during battles is fulfilled. Sometimes indicated by a refillable or chargeable gauge on the menu allowing the player to gauge when it will become available, how strong it will be, or so on; and the most common requirement is taking (or giving) damage in combat. Thusly, it's usually a kind of Evolving Attack. May overlap with Super Mode, or may be a form of Desperation Attack. It may be accompanied with a Super Move Portrait Attack. This trope shows the huge effect Final Fantasy VII had in making RPGs more mainstream, where the term was first used. Later Final Fantasy games started using the term, even if the original Japanese versions didn't, and it's been applied informally to other games that used similar concepts. The inverse of Break Meter. For when you can make a vehicle do this, see Overdrive or Nitro Boost. Not to be confused with limit breaks in Exalted, which are more like Sanity Slippage. Examples of Limit Break include:
- When an Ally is in a max enhanced state, the Enhance button will be changed to a Limit Break button. For each level of Limit Break, an Ally of the same grade and gold is needed. For example: To Limit Break a S grade ally, an additional S grade Ally is needed. Be cautious as the ally used as fodder will disappear after the process. The success rate of Limit Break is always 100%. For each level of Limit Break achieved, a number will be added next to the Ally's name. For example: Priest Ranran MAX+1 from Priest Ranran MAX. All ally grades up to SS can Limit Break up to MAX+4. SSS grade Allies can reach MAX+5 (also known as Ultimate). Each limit break up to MAX+4 increases an ally's stats by 20% while the final limit break to Ultimate adds 50% more stats.