The Underline is a radio show that broadcasts on the Davostan branch of the Radio Free Terra service. The show is broadcast every Friday Night, live at 9pm, from Dakruth City. The show, hosted by Eric Hunt, takes an irreverant and satirical look at international and Davostanian politics, news and sport in an hour long spectacle that includes interviews, reports and the occasional live musical performance. The show is no longer being broadcast due to the shutdown of Radio Free Davostan.
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| - The Underline is a radio show that broadcasts on the Davostan branch of the Radio Free Terra service. The show is broadcast every Friday Night, live at 9pm, from Dakruth City. The show, hosted by Eric Hunt, takes an irreverant and satirical look at international and Davostanian politics, news and sport in an hour long spectacle that includes interviews, reports and the occasional live musical performance. The show is no longer being broadcast due to the shutdown of Radio Free Davostan.
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| - The Underline is a radio show that broadcasts on the Davostan branch of the Radio Free Terra service. The show is broadcast every Friday Night, live at 9pm, from Dakruth City. The show, hosted by Eric Hunt, takes an irreverant and satirical look at international and Davostanian politics, news and sport in an hour long spectacle that includes interviews, reports and the occasional live musical performance. The show is no longer being broadcast due to the shutdown of Radio Free Davostan.