- Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare :
* Compagnie des chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la MéditerranéeCatégorie:Gare (PLM).
* Réseau ferré de FranceCatégorie:Gare (RFF).
* Société nationale des chemins de fer françaisCatégorie:Gare (SNCF).
- Jest to skok przez "przepasc" (przestrzen). Ladowanie zazwyczaj konczy sie uzyciem rolla.
- The Gap, Inc. is a Muggle clothing and accessories retailer. There was a Gap store on Shaftesbury Avenue in London.
- Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre
* gap sur le dictionnaire d'occitan médiéval
- GAP (Las Grandes Aventuras Pokemon) Es una nueva saga creada por Vulkan99. Esta saga trata de los viajes de un niño de 10 años llamado Zap por Sinnoh.
- Gap is an American clothing and accessories retailer, with 3,139 stores operating worldwide in the United States, Canada, Mexico, France, Ireland, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and United Kingdom.
- The Gap is a place inside of Sorrow's Furnace, that has to be scouted for the quest Summit Slaves. The name suggests it encompasses much of the north eastern region of the furnace, where the passage is by a giant gap in the ground. The sub-quest, Cold One, will lead players there.
- The Gap was a deep cleavage in the Glacier that grew deeper every year. During the reign of Sigvat II of the Raumsdalian Empire, the Gap eventually linked with a similar gap on the northern side of the Glacier, dividing the Glacier in half and opening a narrow passageway that allowed the lands north and south of the Gap to have contact with one another. In the Bizogot language, the word for "Gap" is also a lewd euphemism for vagina, and was sometimes used to refer to women as well.
- thumb Gap est un importante distributeur américain de vêtements, qui appartient à Gap Inc. Les magasins portent le nom de Gap ou Gap Outlet.
- In der „Fachsprache“ des Skateboardens wird ein zu überwindender Zwischenraum als Gap (engl.: Abstand, Lücke) bezeichnet. Auch Snowboarder und Inlineskater benutzen diesen Ausdruck. Ein solches Gap könnte eine Treppe, ein Wassergraben, ein Geländer, ein Abhang aber auch ein Abstand zwischen zwei Rampen sein, welchen es zu überspringen bzw. herunterzuspringen gilt.
- Gap, commonly known as Gap Inc. or The Gap, is an American multinational clothing and accessories retailer. It was founded in 1969 by Donald G. Fisher and Doris F. Fisher and is currently headquartered in San Francisco, California. The company operates five primary divisions: the namesake banner, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Piperlime, and Athleta. Gap Inc. was surpassed by Spanish-based Inditex Group as the world's largest apparel retailer, though it remains the largest specialty retailer in the United States. As of September 2008, the company has approximately 135,000 employees and operates 3,076 stores worldwide, of which 2,551 are located in the U.S.