| - Super Intelligence is the power to possess high levels of intelligence; far beyond that of normal humans and animals.
- Super Intelligence is a power or ability that allows the possessor to gain and use information in a greater capacity than humans.
- Super Intelligence is the ability to have a superior intelligence than the average human being. Some beings, such as Kryptonians, are able to calculate and process things 100 times more efficiently than the human brain.
- One of the more challenging Stock Super Powers to possess and write for, Super Intelligence is taking The Smart Guy and cranking them up to the Nth degree... in fact, they can probably acquire various doctorate degrees in the fifteen minutes, forty two seconds it takes a normal person to walk across the campus. Super Intelligence can be divided into roughly four big effects, which can be used individually or in combination: Thanks to Evolutionary Levels, the Superpower Lottery version of this trope gives the character Telepathy, Telekinesis, and/or other Psychic Powers.
| - Super Intelligence is the power to possess high levels of intelligence; far beyond that of normal humans and animals.
- Super Intelligence is a power or ability that allows the possessor to gain and use information in a greater capacity than humans.
- One of the more challenging Stock Super Powers to possess and write for, Super Intelligence is taking The Smart Guy and cranking them up to the Nth degree... in fact, they can probably acquire various doctorate degrees in the fifteen minutes, forty two seconds it takes a normal person to walk across the campus. Super Intelligence can be divided into roughly four big effects, which can be used individually or in combination:
* Super learning and eidetic memory: The character can learn things very quickly and rarely forgets anything, sometimes to the point of Awesomeness By Analysis. May include Photographic Memory or Super Speed Reading.
* Advanced reasoning: The character's brain works faster, with less distractions and greater focus. At low levels they can take known facts and reach a conclusion very quickly, even crunching incredibly hard math without pen and paper. They may even be capable of a Bat Deduction, using few and "unrelated" facts to reach a correct conclusion. At high levels they can create new scientific theories and design a machine in moments where it would take a normal detective, scientist or engineer weeks or years. At its apex, this character will live in a Eureka Moment of revelations, and be capable of Improbable Aiming Skills and launching Pinball Projectiles.
* Characters with only this aspect: Clock King, Mr. Fixit, Gadgeteer Genius.
* Exceptional Perception: They'll seem to have Super Senses by how well they can process sensory information, sometimes to the point of stopping time, reaching Hyper Awareness and using an in built Sherlock Scan. This usually allows those who aren't clutzy to dodge bullets as if they weren't there.
* Characters with only this aspect: Great Detective, The Profiler and Scarily Competent Tracker.
* Manipulator Extraordinaire: Least often, this is included. Commonly an application of advanced reasoning and perception, but usually developed with actual psychological learning. The Character can predict the actions of others, notice their tics and buttons, and manipulate them to create plans of amazing complexity.
* Characters with only this aspect: The Chessmaster, Magnificent Bastard, Manipulative Bastard, Guile Hero. Thanks to Evolutionary Levels, the Superpower Lottery version of this trope gives the character Telepathy, Telekinesis, and/or other Psychic Powers. Super Intelligence is a difficult power to possess, not only because Intelligence Equals Isolation, but because it can create a pessimistic worldview. Since most super smart characters are already elbow deep in Phlebotinum, the tranistion to Mad Scientist isn't a big one. All together, the fall into a Science-Related Memetic Disorder in the pursuit of science makes a lot of Super Intelligent characters become Villains. It's no picnic for Campbellian Heroes either, they can fall victim to the anti-intellectualism of those they want to help. Also, their brains tend to go watermelon sized. That said, a super smart character has the potential to radically alter a setting and even create Singularity level tech. These changes can be positive or negative depending not just on their morality, but on how the setting treats science. If the Status Quo Is God, then Reed Richards Is Useless, there are No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup, and all the Potential Applications are destructive. If it's not? Well, then expect to see wonders. On the writers front, suffice it to say it's hard to write someone who is smarter than yourself by virtue of not knowing how to properly motivate, characterize, or empathize with them. Most writers get around this by treating the Super Intelligence as being only science related, and having no effect whatsoever on their interpersonal skills. Another potential hurdle writers cross is that, as an internal power, Super Intelligence has to be demonstrated verbally, usually through Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness or a Mouthful of Pi. Though a few plain spoken Super Intelligent characters might instead tinker with electronics or engage in sporadic Nerd Gasms. Superintelligent characters sometimes overlap with The Sleepless or The Insomniac (type D), maybe because their mind is too active to ever be put to rest, or because they regard sleep as a waste of time. Inversions of this are found rarely if ever, though it could be argued that a mind that works more would also need more sleep --- as a matter of fact, sleep is known to aid creativity, memory formation and possibly learning in general. On the other hand, gifted children are known to need less sleep even as infants, and exceptionally high-achievers (high IQ or otherwise) are known to sleep much less. Potentially the biggest "risks" of writing a character with Super Intelligence is that they become a Deus Est Machina, capable of solving every problem with no trouble. Examples of Super Intelligence include:
- Super Intelligence is the ability to have a superior intelligence than the average human being. Some beings, such as Kryptonians, are able to calculate and process things 100 times more efficiently than the human brain.