| - Players who have played Galaxy on Fire 3D will appreciate the revitalized thrill in the simple shoot-'em-up mode. The objective remains to take down as many ships as possible, with a point and combo system to measure the player's markmanship skill. Enemies spawn infinitely, and their fire is concentrated on the player's ship, so survival is still important. However, that is where the similarites end. Other than the change of scenery and ship to fly in, Luur and the Blue Fyre, respectively, the finer gameplay details has changed when comparing to Survival Mode. Weapon upgrades are absent, as the ship has a fixed armament. Also fixed are the ships that spawn infinitely; instead of randomized ships, they are instead a fleet of stealth fighters. With the addition of a two-minute time limit, additional focus is placed on gunning them down. When the two minutes is up, the ship's Khador Drive activates, ending the challenge.