| - After Soundwave and Reflector scoped out the energy being generated, Megatron resolved to seize the facility and use its power to defeat the Autobots. As Teletraan I had been damaged during a tussle with the newly created Dinobots, the Autobots never got the distress call put out by the humans at the power plant, and it was easily conquered. By the time Hound detected the Decepticon presence and the Autobots turned up at the falls, Megatron had come up with a brilliant plan. While the other Decepticons kept the Autobots busy, he connected his fusion cannon to the generators. He used the augmented cannon to blast the Autobots into the river, and the Decepticons were able to bind them with energon chains. Just when the Decepticons were about to finish off their captives for good, they were interrupted by the arrival of Wheeljack with the Dinobots, who applied brute force to the problem. The battered Decepticons retreated, returning the Great Falls to human hands. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.