| - The European Danger Zone was created in 2007 to adapt border controls to the H5N1Z infection. It was later ratified as part of the 2009 European Union Constitution, but the Zone includes non-EU member states as well. It divides Europe and North Africa into 5 stages, each with different levels of border controls and sets a traffic-light degree of stability and danger. The 5 stages are:
* Red: The most dangerous, includes no formal Governments and thus no border controls
* Pink: High Risk, checks required from all land, sea and air routes, as well as random spot checks and more
* Dark Orange: Moderate Risk, checks required from some land and air routes except when going to or from Szczecin Zone Members, as well as all sea routes
* Light Orange: Moderate Risk, checks required from some land and air routes, as well as all sea routes
* Green: Small Risk, none required although some checks exist