| - Gold Rush is the 58th level in Chip's Challenge 2. It was created by Joshua Bone.
- Gold Rush (ゴールド ク ラッシュ lit. Gold C-Rash(Rush) in Japanese) is the twenty-second level and is the second level of the fifth warp room in Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex. Crash travels through a Western-themed region that is filled with gold mines and Western towns. He also comes across many hazards, including scorpions, vultures, and loose sticks of dynamite used to mine for gold. At one point in the level, players will have a chance to ride on a mine cart. The last death route in the game is in this level. It contains the Yellow Gem, which when obtained, opens the alternate route in Compactor Reactor and offers the player to acquire the second Clear Gem in the level.
- A gold rush is a period of intense migration and mining activity spurred by the discovery of gold. The term can also be used metaphorically to refer to a similar burst in activity associated with the finding of another valuable substance. In 2254, while discussing the recent discovery of vast deposits of highly pure dilithium on the Pharos siteworld, Captain Christopher Pike suggested it could cause a gold rush, Spock suggested it might ignite a war. (EV comic: "The Fires of Pharos")
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- Gold Rush is a scenario in the campaign Spoils of War in Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.
- One of the older bars in Tsukuba, it is run and owned by Shingo. It has a very casual atmosphere, good for meeting friends and talking late into the night. In recent years the food has become really good with Shingo constantly updating the menu. Shingo speaks great English and will happily chat with customers seated at the bar. It is a kind of cross between a Gaijin bar and a Japanese bar (a Gaijin bar full of Japanese people). If you know how to play Japanese Mahjong, lots of players are available to take your money. EDIT: As of spring 2015, this place is still banging.
- Product Code: 1222
- Gold Rush is a Track in MotorStorm: Arctic Edge. "Through the rotten gold mines of the 1890s beneath the snow-capped mountains of Alaska, racers ride centuries-old wooden ramps that could give way at any time, ripping through the caves and tunnels in the hope of striking it rich."
- Due to more than one works legitimately sharing the name Gold Rush, we have created this disambiguation page. For the Discovery Channel Reality TV series, click here. For the Sierra adventure game, click here. For the Charlie Chaplin Movie, click here.
- Gold Rush is one of the Speedy Walls maps on Minecraft Central. It was added 22nd May 2016 and was made by Zestia and Barnaynay.
- In Chapter III, shortly after leaving The New Narakort following the banquet (if certain conditions have been fulfilled - see below), the witcher is accosted by a young boy who tells him that the bank is being robbed and that Velerad has sent for him. So begins Gold Rush.
- Gold Rush is the eighth episode of Power Rangers Ninja Steel. This episode features an appearance of the Lion Fire Zord. This episode marks the first appearance of the Ninja Clone Star and the Gold Ranger's Ninja Master Mode and the first full appearance of Ninja Steel Gold's civilian form.
- After this mission is completed, Ga Bewhe will appear on a plateau southwest of FN Site 312 when it is raining. If spoken to, she will express regrets about taking the white gold and give 200,000 Credits.
- The trophy was first revealed on the Insomniac Games's website through a 'Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus Interactive Trophy List Super Adventure'. The description in the Interactive Trophy List Super Adventure stated that it would appease the reader's ancestors in reference to the previous reveal of the Up Your Arsenal trophy.
- On the 14th of Freeze, 201 AC, a Gold Rush started in the Icefinger Mountains of northern Allansia.
- Gold Rush is the eighth episode of Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 4. It was released on Netflix on February 17, 2017. The name of episode was first revealed in the Everything Geek Podcast Interview with Douglas Sloan and Art Brown.
- Gold Rush is a 2014 UK Animated Film Produced, Directed and Written by IRmjii. The story revolves around SpongeBob who finds life stressful and wishes he can be rich. When it comes true it makes him and every one else in Bikini Bottom amazed. His wife however finds it irritating.
- Gold Rush is a multiplayer game variant of Territories. Players are armed with a Shotgun and Magnum each. A team must earn two minutes of time, or have more time than the other team before three minutes of the game expire. The first to win three rounds wins the match.
- Gold Rush (zu Deutsch: "Goldrausch") ist eine von Valve entwickelte Frachtbeförderungs-Karte für Team Fortress 2. Sie war die erste Karte, die den Frachtbeförderungsmodus verwendete und wurde zusammen mit dem gleichnamigen Update veröffentlicht.
- Gold Rush is a type of mini-quest featured in Quest.
- GOLD RUSH is one of the boss songs in Beatmania IIDX 14: GOLD composed by DJ YOSHITAKA (under the pseudonym DJ YOSHITAKA-G) with Michael a la mode on the vocals. It's found in the SILVER ROOM of the VIP ROOM, which is accessible on the Extra Stage. GOLD RUSH is a remix of the IIDX GOLD intro song, with a faster BPM and additional vocals.
- Level: Misaki 6 Spell Resistance: no Firing a plethora of deadly shots from your gun, they leave trails of golden energy behind and slam into your foe, carrying them back wards into a giant golden wall you summoned. You fire through them at a rapid pace shooting all around them, but carving the shape of Misaki with a Bazooka aimed down above them, which falls on top of them. As a standard action, Enemies in a 20 by 30 foot cube located within 200 feet must make a perception check against your attack roll. If successful they gain a reflex saving throw DC:16+Dexterity modifier. If the creature fails their perception check they can make the save, however they take a -6 penalty to the save. Creatures effected take normal damage as well as 1d6 damage per level (Max 20d6). Creatures that fail th
- Gold Rush features two levels, as said before, one half the size of the other. Usually, it's the soldiers who possess the top floor to be the most dominant, especially during Execution. But because of its diminished space, it can be an intense battleground for dozens of fights. There are Gorgon Pistols that switch with Boltok Pistols at either end of the floor, with a Longshot that switches with a Torque Bow in the rear middle. Of course, this central weapon can be used for fending off opponents eager for the Boomshot or Mortar. But to snatch it, you and your teammates would have to clear out opposition first. Be reminded that even though the team on the top may be a more elevated view of the battlefield, those hiding directly beneath the floor will be visually undetectable. In Annex or Gu
- Gold Rush was the first map to feature the game mode called Payload. The level is split into three separate areas with intermediate capture zones inside of each major area. The teams are split between offense (BLU) and defense (RED), similar to Dustbowl. Each team's respective goal is: Each checkpoint the cart passes over adds 5 minutes to the timer. The remaining time carries over to the following sections of the maps until teams are switched.
- Gold Rush is a damage-dealing Rock-type move created by CoolElectrogadget.The following template is known to be broken and should be fixed soon.{| width="35%" align="right" style="margin-left:3px; margin-bottom:3px; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;; background:#B8A038; border:3px solid #786824" |- | align="center" colspan="2" | Gold Rush |- | colspan="2" align="center" style="border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;; background: #999999; border:1px solid #786824" | Battle Data
- In Gold Rush, players begin in a forestland, with moderate amounts of resource pools; what is interesting however is the distribution of gold around the map. Apart from the starting Gold Mines, almost all the gold is found in a central desert, where Wolves lurk around. This means that unlike in most of the other maps, where players must compete for resources all around the map, players must fiercely compete to gain a monopoly to the central Gold Mines, lest they face a shortage of gold, that will inevitably grant an enormous economic advantage to their foes.