Clariburnus Tanthul was one of the Twelve Princes of Shade who led Netheril. In charge of Shadovar operations in New Neverwinter, Clariburnus led the Netherese in an attempt to restore Xinlenal, and the first Mythallar, to Toril.
Clariburnus Tanthul was one of the Twelve Princes of Shade who led Netheril. In charge of Shadovar operations in New Neverwinter, Clariburnus led the Netherese in an attempt to restore Xinlenal, and the first Mythallar, to Toril.
Clariburnus Tanthul was one of the Twelve Princes of Shade who led Netheril. In charge of Shadovar operations in New Neverwinter, Clariburnus led the Netherese in an attempt to restore Xinlenal, and the first Mythallar, to Toril.