Exogorths, also known as a space slugs or giant space slugs, were members of a silicon-based species that resided in the hollows of asteroids. At least one space slug lived in the Hoth asteroid belt.
[Source] L'Exogorth [εgzogɔʁð] est un animal siliceux de très grande taille vivant dans le vide spatial sur le support d'astéroïdes. On le surnomme "ver de l'espace" ou "limace de l'espace".
Exogorths, also known as a space slugs or giant space slugs, were members of a silicon-based species that resided in the hollows of asteroids. At least one space slug lived in the Hoth asteroid belt.
The Exogorth (a.k.a. Space Slug) is a colossal, non-sapient silicon-based lifeform that naturally inhabits asteroid fields in several planetary systems of the galaxy, being able to survive the space vacuum and freezing temperatures found in this unusual habitat.
Los exogorth o babosas espaciales son criaturas gigantescas que miden en promedio unos 800 metros y son lo suficientemente resistentes para sobrevivir en el hostil cosmos.