| - Sin d'Rome's Mercenary Emporium -- "All your military hardware needs, under one roof" is a major e-commerce website in the mutant part of the Internet. Its URL is httpsx://www3.sindromercenarium.mut /intro395746273643.html, corresponding to an IP address of As the name suggests, Sin d'Rome's main fares are military supplies -- particularly exotic weaponry, both of the lethal and non-lethal kinds. But it also deals in other things, like anti-surveillance devices, advertising for specialized services and even real estate offerings.
| - Sin d'Rome's Mercenary Emporium -- "All your military hardware needs, under one roof" is a major e-commerce website in the mutant part of the Internet. Its URL is httpsx://www3.sindromercenarium.mut /intro395746273643.html, corresponding to an IP address of As the name suggests, Sin d'Rome's main fares are military supplies -- particularly exotic weaponry, both of the lethal and non-lethal kinds. But it also deals in other things, like anti-surveillance devices, advertising for specialized services and even real estate offerings. Its business address is outside the United States, probably in a mutant-friendly nation like Karedonia or Wallachia. A sampling of the things that can be found at Sin d'Rome's:
* Anti-surveillance devices
* Tripod-mounted Gatling laser
* Nerve gas grenades
* Napalm moat
* Napalm-based ground interdiction system
* ‘live’ moat made of flesh-devouring protoplasm
* Trained attack dobermans equipped with body-mounted lasers
* Specially-trained friendly little bunnies that hopped right up to your invaders and then exploded with the force of three pounds of C-4
* Evil lairs, for sale or rent
* Evil lair timeshares on the beautiful island kingdom of Karedonia
* Evil lair blueprints
* Modular components for low-level evil lairs
* Expansion units for enlarging your evil lair
* Evil lair construction firms
* Evil lair architectural specialists
* Evil lair interior designers
* Evil lair human resources specialists to keep your henchmen happy
* Satellite launch services to put your own geosynchronous defense satellite up over your evil lair
* Sixty-four combinations of body armor, from the generic minimally-padded henchman get-up to full mock-Dragonskin armor with ceramet plates
* Twenty-seven types of henchman helmets, from Bronze Age up to Space Age
* Forty-two different types of power armor, from the henchman models all the way up to the ‘Lex Luthor’ special, with optional accessories
* Laser rifles, laser cannons, laser mortars, laser tanks
* Nuclear hand grenades
* Ebola sprayer
* Sarin-filled chocolate candies
* Psi grenades (US$ 53,000.00 each, limited supply)