Ir'khaim was a male Noghri and the Dynast of Clan Khim'bar. The Noghri elder accompanied Grand Admiral Thrawn to Khabarakh's village outside Nystao when the former member of Imperial Noghri Commando Team 22 returned there after his failed mission to Kashyyyk to assassinate Leia Organa Solo. Ir'khaim, though loyal to the Empire and his lord, the Grand Admiral, was defensive of his clan and of Khabarakh, almost engaging in a brawl with Rukh when the other Noghri admitted his suspicion that Khabarakh was hiding something.
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| - Ir'khaim was a male Noghri and the Dynast of Clan Khim'bar. The Noghri elder accompanied Grand Admiral Thrawn to Khabarakh's village outside Nystao when the former member of Imperial Noghri Commando Team 22 returned there after his failed mission to Kashyyyk to assassinate Leia Organa Solo. Ir'khaim, though loyal to the Empire and his lord, the Grand Admiral, was defensive of his clan and of Khabarakh, almost engaging in a brawl with Rukh when the other Noghri admitted his suspicion that Khabarakh was hiding something.
- Ir'khaim egy hím noghri és a Khim'bar klán dinasztája volt. A noghri idős elkísérte Thrawn főadmirálist Khabarakh faluba Nystaotól távol, ahol a Birodalmi Noghri Kommandó 22 korábbi tagja visszatért jelentést tenni sikertelen küldetéséről a Kashyyykon, hogy megöljék Leia Organa Solot. Bár Ir'khaim hű volt a Birodalomhoz, és urához, a főadmirálishoz, megvédte klánját és Khabarakhot, majdnem párbajba keveredve Rukhkal, amikor a másik noghri megjegyezte, hogy úgy véli Khabarakh rejteget valamit.
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| - Ir'khaim was a male Noghri and the Dynast of Clan Khim'bar. The Noghri elder accompanied Grand Admiral Thrawn to Khabarakh's village outside Nystao when the former member of Imperial Noghri Commando Team 22 returned there after his failed mission to Kashyyyk to assassinate Leia Organa Solo. Ir'khaim, though loyal to the Empire and his lord, the Grand Admiral, was defensive of his clan and of Khabarakh, almost engaging in a brawl with Rukh when the other Noghri admitted his suspicion that Khabarakh was hiding something.
- Ir'khaim egy hím noghri és a Khim'bar klán dinasztája volt. A noghri idős elkísérte Thrawn főadmirálist Khabarakh faluba Nystaotól távol, ahol a Birodalmi Noghri Kommandó 22 korábbi tagja visszatért jelentést tenni sikertelen küldetéséről a Kashyyykon, hogy megöljék Leia Organa Solot. Bár Ir'khaim hű volt a Birodalomhoz, és urához, a főadmirálishoz, megvédte klánját és Khabarakhot, majdnem párbajba keveredve Rukhkal, amikor a másik noghri megjegyezte, hogy úgy véli Khabarakh rejteget valamit.