PJ Sparkles was voiced by Jodi Benson who voiced Ariel, Thumbelina, Barbie (Toy Story), Lady in the sequel, Anita Radcliffe in the sequel, Jenna in the Balto sequels, Patsy Smiles and Jane Doe from Camp Lazlo, and Helen of Troy in Disney's Hercules (TV show).
Attributes | Values |
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| - PJ Sparkles was voiced by Jodi Benson who voiced Ariel, Thumbelina, Barbie (Toy Story), Lady in the sequel, Anita Radcliffe in the sequel, Jenna in the Balto sequels, Patsy Smiles and Jane Doe from Camp Lazlo, and Helen of Troy in Disney's Hercules (TV show).
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| - PJ Sparkles was voiced by Jodi Benson who voiced Ariel, Thumbelina, Barbie (Toy Story), Lady in the sequel, Anita Radcliffe in the sequel, Jenna in the Balto sequels, Patsy Smiles and Jane Doe from Camp Lazlo, and Helen of Troy in Disney's Hercules (TV show).