| - The Harbingers of The Naaru is a Draenei only (initially) Roleplaying guild soon to be created on the Ravenholdt RP-PvP Server. The Guild will primarily be focusing on building new and interesting roleplay between the newest members of the alliance, the Draenei, and their new found comrades in arms as the struggled against the Legion escalates. Unlike other Draenei guilds that may perhaps regard the Alliance as friendly, our initial response to other races will be one of caution, as we wish to roleplay the scenario realistically. We feel a measure of trust would have to be built up beforehand, before we can consider ourselves "best of friends". The leadership of the guild has had an Alliance sided experience on Ravenholdt and we found it to be satisfying. With regards to our wishes to roleplay primarily as our goal, we think it would be unrealistic if we were going to roll on one of the new RP-PvP servers, as the main population of these servers will primarily be Draenei and Blood Elves. We wish to roleplay that we had, indeed just crashed onto Azeroth, so it makes sense to roll on a server that is already "up and running" so to speak. This may cause our Draenei to be a lot lower than the other denziens on the Alliance, but surviving a crash isn't easy living! The rest of this article is dedicated to the Roleplaying side of the guild, the background, the order and the charge. If you wish to learn more or perhaps join our ranks as a harbinger, please follow the following link!