| - Jacques' likeness is that of the French actor Jean Reno. Reno performed the French voice talents for his character as well. However, due to his busy schedule at the time, he couldn't do the English voice work. Another voice actor, Paul Mercier, did the work in Reno's place. Jacques was born in 1968, which makes him 36 at the time of the Genma invasion. He was raised in Paris, and is currently a member of the Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure's (General Directorate for External Security), under the 29th SA Operations Division of the French Military, an elite squad whose specialty is covert operations. Jacques' favorite weapons is his FN P90 custom submachine gun and his .45 automatic pistol. He is also an avid lover of motorcycles and owns one as well. Jacques is extremely intelligent and is also a top athlete. He is currently one of the unit's top members. Along with Jacques, his best friend Phillipe is also a member, along with First Lieutenant Michelle Aubert. He is also a widower with a ten-year-old son named Henri. His wife died in a car accident while protecting their son. As a result, Jacques and Henri share a bond strong enough for Henri to realize when his father is in trouble. However, Henri doesn't like the fact that he is dating Michelle, and isn't afraid to show it.