Wade Duck (voiced by Howard Morris) is the "cowardly craven duck" of U.S. Acres. His good nature is sometimes shadowed by his overwhelming hypochondria and pantophobia, which ranges from chocolate doughnuts to finding out that it's Tuesday, and especially includes flying and rain. Wade is so scared of drowning that he constantly wears a kiddie pool inner tube (which, as a recurring joke, has a head like his on the front that always imitates his facial expression and what direction he's looking to match his own). He can be easily driven into an incoherent raving of fear, especially by Roy, who likes to pull pranks on him. However, despite his massive, countless fears, he cares very deeply about his friends, and whenever they would need him, he would muster up the courage to go and save them
Attributes | Values |
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| - Wade Duck (voiced by Howard Morris) is the "cowardly craven duck" of U.S. Acres. His good nature is sometimes shadowed by his overwhelming hypochondria and pantophobia, which ranges from chocolate doughnuts to finding out that it's Tuesday, and especially includes flying and rain. Wade is so scared of drowning that he constantly wears a kiddie pool inner tube (which, as a recurring joke, has a head like his on the front that always imitates his facial expression and what direction he's looking to match his own). He can be easily driven into an incoherent raving of fear, especially by Roy, who likes to pull pranks on him. However, despite his massive, countless fears, he cares very deeply about his friends, and whenever they would need him, he would muster up the courage to go and save them
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| - Wade Duck (voiced by Howard Morris) is the "cowardly craven duck" of U.S. Acres. His good nature is sometimes shadowed by his overwhelming hypochondria and pantophobia, which ranges from chocolate doughnuts to finding out that it's Tuesday, and especially includes flying and rain. Wade is so scared of drowning that he constantly wears a kiddie pool inner tube (which, as a recurring joke, has a head like his on the front that always imitates his facial expression and what direction he's looking to match his own). He can be easily driven into an incoherent raving of fear, especially by Roy, who likes to pull pranks on him. However, despite his massive, countless fears, he cares very deeply about his friends, and whenever they would need him, he would muster up the courage to go and save them. Unlike the other characters, Wade's eyebrows float above his head. He also has a tendency of pronouncing silent letters in many words (i.e. 'ansWer', 'LincoLn')