| - The Lion in Winter, by James Goldman, tells the story of a struggle for power between King Henry II, his wife Eleanor of Acquitaine, and their three sons. City Circle Acting Company produced the show as part of its first season on November 13, 14, 20, 21, in 1998. The play was performed on the Oakdale campus in Coralville. Henry II, King of England - George Stratton Alais, a French Princess - Katie Swain John, youngest son - Lindsay Alan Park Geoffrey, middle son - Jason Hedden Richard Lionheart, oldest son - Thomas Williams Eleanor, Henry's wife - Susan Short Gilbert Director - Michael Stokes
- A 1966 play written by James Goldman (adapted for film two years later) about the troubles in the family of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. The 1968 movie and its acting got high acclaim. Katharine Hepburn went on to win an Oscar for her role as Eleanor. It was also the film debut of Timothy Dalton and Anthony Hopkins, who would later go onto fame as James Bond and Hannibal Lecter, respectively. Peter O'Toole, who played Henry, also played the role in the earlier film Becket, which many consider an unofficial prequel to this film. In 2003, it was adapted again for TV, with Patrick Stewart and Glenn Close.
| - The Lion in Winter, by James Goldman, tells the story of a struggle for power between King Henry II, his wife Eleanor of Acquitaine, and their three sons. City Circle Acting Company produced the show as part of its first season on November 13, 14, 20, 21, in 1998. The play was performed on the Oakdale campus in Coralville. Henry II, King of England - George Stratton Alais, a French Princess - Katie Swain John, youngest son - Lindsay Alan Park Geoffrey, middle son - Jason Hedden Richard Lionheart, oldest son - Thomas Williams Eleanor, Henry's wife - Susan Short Gilbert Philip, King of France - Matthew Falduto Director - Michael Stokes Assistant Director - Jerry Howe Stage Manager - Michael Stout Costume Designer - Jean Newkirk Set Design - Michael Blake Set Construction - Michael Blake, John Kalohn Props - Deone Pederson Light Design - Brian Gilbert Light Operation - Chris Gerken Makeup - Cathie Berglund Hair - Gary Rose
- A 1966 play written by James Goldman (adapted for film two years later) about the troubles in the family of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. The 1968 movie and its acting got high acclaim. Katharine Hepburn went on to win an Oscar for her role as Eleanor. It was also the film debut of Timothy Dalton and Anthony Hopkins, who would later go onto fame as James Bond and Hannibal Lecter, respectively. Peter O'Toole, who played Henry, also played the role in the earlier film Becket, which many consider an unofficial prequel to this film. In 2003, it was adapted again for TV, with Patrick Stewart and Glenn Close. All of Henry's three sons aspire to be king. Both he and his wife favour a different son and since she has instigated rebellion against him before, Henry had her locked up. This experience hasn't dampened her spirit and when this lovely family goes to celebrate Christmas with the French king, the power play begins in earnest.