| - Newspeakfulaim keep goodthink and undo crimethinks. Newspeakuse make plentfuler goodthinkers and unmake plentfuler crimethinkers. Newspeak unspeak crimethink. Crimethinkfulwrds unis newspeak or is malrep. Newspeak is speak pos unplentfulwrds (est. 400 wrds or unplenter)
- On February 27, 1973, the name of the publication Tech News was changed to Newspeak. The name refers to the fictional lanuage of the totalitarian regime of the Party in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. In the novel, Newspeak was to replace Oldspeak (the English language) as the Party conquered the world. Thus, the name Newspeak refers to the staff's effort to produce a more student-centered newspaper, a voice for the campus.
- Newspeak is a fictive language invented by George Orwell for the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Newspeak was the official language of Oceania, and the inhabitants of Oceania were 'encouraged' to think and converse in Newspeak. Orwell provided an appendix discussing the features of the language in the novel.
* Big Brother Is Watching
* Thoughtcrime
* Unperson
* Thought Police
* Doublethink Of course, unlike Lewis Carroll, Orwell was not actually trying to popularize an approach to the English Language.
- Newspeak is a constructed language which was the official language of the superstate of Oceania. Newspeak was developed by several research groups constructed by the Party. The language was developed to deter thoughtcrime. Syme, a philologist working on the Eleventh Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary, once said; "It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words." The Newspeak term for the English language is Oldspeak. Oldspeak was intended to have been completely eclipsed by Newspeak before 2050.
| - Newspeakfulaim keep goodthink and undo crimethinks. Newspeakuse make plentfuler goodthinkers and unmake plentfuler crimethinkers. Newspeak unspeak crimethink. Crimethinkfulwrds unis newspeak or is malrep. Newspeak is speak pos unplentfulwrds (est. 400 wrds or unplenter)
- Newspeak is a fictive language invented by George Orwell for the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Newspeak was the official language of Oceania, and the inhabitants of Oceania were 'encouraged' to think and converse in Newspeak. The goal of Newspeak was essentially the reduction of vocabulary and destruction of words, especially synonyms and antonyms, and to render language instinctively euphemistic (if "good" already exists then "bad" will be abolished, instead replaced by "ungood"), so as to suppress any possibility of expressing rebellious thoughts against the party in the form of words. Based on the rules of Basic English and the (now discredited) strong form of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (the weak form is also controversial), it was intended to be a psychological and linguistic Restraining Bolt on the population of Oceania. Its construction is similar to Esperanto (Ungood/Malbona) and other compounding languages (such as German). Contraction conventions from historical totalitarian regimes were also incorporated, resulting in words like "Ingsoc" which are similar in construction to "Comintern", "Nazi" and "Gestapo". Acronyms are used extensively. The Party predicted (or propagandized) that Newspeak would completely supplant English by 2050. Every edition of the Newspeak Dictionary was smaller than its predecessor. Orwell provided an appendix discussing the features of the language in the novel. As noted above, many features of Newspeak are in fact similar to the features of real life compounding languages, including German and Russian, but also many Native American languages. This gave Newspeak a certain "totalitarian flavor" at a time when both Germany and Russia had totalitarian governments. This point may be lost today, if only due to the popularity of the phenomenon, the theory that there is a connection between language and social behavior being mostly discredited (after all, people can go through many different governments, totalitarian or not, without changing their language). Also, this makes Newspeak especially difficult to portray in a translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four into a language that is already agglutinative. If the word for "bad" in your native language is already something like "ungood", translators will have a hard time coming up with a Newspeak version of it. Strictly speaking, neither German nor Russian is an agglutinative language. The difference between them and English is one of spelling, that in German a compound is written as one word ("Physiklehrer") while in English it is written as two ("physics teacher"). Russian in fact often will use a combination of "(noun-derived) adjective + noun" where German and English use "noun + noun" compounds. The feature that Orwell imitated in Newspeak was a way of combining clipped elements of different words into one, because that became very pronounced in the language used by the Nazi and Soviet Communist regimes. However, linguistically speaking they are not that different from Portmanteau words (e. g. "brunch") or acronyms pronounced as words (e. g. "radar", "laser") and such constructions were freely, if less frequently, used before, after and apart from the two totalitarian regimes.
* Big Brother Is Watching
* Thoughtcrime
* Unperson
* Thought Police
* Doublethink Neologisms that are based on Newspeak syntax but not coined by Orwell have also appeared, the most notable being groupthink (describing a group thought process where everybody is going along with everybody else and no one is thinking rationally). Frighteningly often such words are coined in political/media circles (and the Internet). For instance, Double-Speak has retained its Orwellian connotations, even though he never said it. Some Orwellian phrases have been replaced by modern equivalents; bellyfeel never caught on, despite the usefulness of a word to describe "that which is calculated to give a positive gut reaction", possibly because it sounds childish and begs to be used literally. The appearance of truthiness, which contains the same meaning (that Orwell intended, not Ingsoc) and mouthfeel which does literally mean "how a piece of food feels in the diner's mouth" in the past decade have probably ended bellyfeel's chances. Of course, unlike Lewis Carroll, Orwell was not actually trying to popularize an approach to the English Language.
* Conspiracy Tropes
* Dystopia Tropes
* Oppression Tropes
* Orwellian
* 1984
* Airstrip One
* BiCapitalization
* Language Equals Thought
* People's Republic of Tyranny
* Super Fun Happy Thing of Doom: All the Ministries are an example.
* We Will Use Wiki Words in the Future: we do.
* Room 101
* Orwellian Retcon
* Orwellian Editor
* Two Plus Torture = Five
* Written by the Winners
- Newspeak is a constructed language which was the official language of the superstate of Oceania. Newspeak was developed by several research groups constructed by the Party. The language was developed to deter thoughtcrime. Newspeak is closely based on English but has a greatly reduced and simplified vocabulary and grammar (e.g., 'good' means 'to love Big Brother'; 'bad' is deleted from the language because 'ungood' means 'bad'; therefore there is now no literal concept to express the term, 'Big Brother is bad'). This suited the totalitarian regime of the Party, whose aim was to make any thoughtcrime or criminal speech impossible by removing any words or possible constructs which describe ideas contrary to those of Ingsoc. Syme, a philologist working on the Eleventh Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary, once said; "It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words." The Newspeak term for the English language is Oldspeak. Oldspeak was intended to have been completely eclipsed by Newspeak before 2050.
- On February 27, 1973, the name of the publication Tech News was changed to Newspeak. The name refers to the fictional lanuage of the totalitarian regime of the Party in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. In the novel, Newspeak was to replace Oldspeak (the English language) as the Party conquered the world. Thus, the name Newspeak refers to the staff's effort to produce a more student-centered newspaper, a voice for the campus. In July 2000, after much constructive commentary and debate between students, faculty and the staff, it was determined that the newspaper would return to its former name. The first paper was published on August 26, 2000, beginning with Volume 65, Issue 1 - the exact sequence where the original Tech News left off. The group continues to call itself the Newspeak Association, as a tribute to the paper that served the campus so well for nearly thirty years.