| - Vonar Thessa was a Human male Republic trooper who served in the Republic Military and, later, the Special Forces Division during the Great Galactic War, Cold War and Galactic War. Originally from the Outer Rim world of Telos IV, Vonar left to enlist with the Galactic Republic's military, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. Still in training by the time the Sith Empire attacked the space station in Korriban's orbit, he was soon promoted to the front lines.
| - Vonar Thessa was a Human male Republic trooper who served in the Republic Military and, later, the Special Forces Division during the Great Galactic War, Cold War and Galactic War. Originally from the Outer Rim world of Telos IV, Vonar left to enlist with the Galactic Republic's military, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. Still in training by the time the Sith Empire attacked the space station in Korriban's orbit, he was soon promoted to the front lines. Vonar fought as infantry during the Great Galactic War against the Sith Empire. He and his unit were stationed on the Core World of Alderaan when the Sith invaded, culminating in the Battle of Alderaan. During the initial defeat of Republic army forces, Vonar was greviously wounded by artillery rounds, which resulted in the loss of his right limbs and damage to his skull and face. After the battle, he was quickly flown to Coruscant for medical treatment, His injuries forced him out of active enlistment and into a long recuperation period to adjust to his new cybernetic limbs. Due to his valor and injuries sustained in the line of duty, Vonar was awarded medals for his service. Following the Great Galactic War, Vonar returned to duty during the Cold War. He was briefly posted on Balmorra to train and supply Balmorran rebels. Months into the Cold War, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and placed into the Special Forces Division, specifically a squad known as Womprat Squad. With the outbreak of the Galactic War, Thessa and Womprat Squad were deployed acorss the galaxy, notably in battles such as the Battle of Balmorra, Battle of Ilum, Operation End Game, the Battle for Kuat and the Korriban Incursion.