Cleon est un personnage mentionné dans la quatrième saison de Game of Thrones.
Cleon was a warlord who had twice been defeated by Xena.
Cleon is an unseen character in the fourth season. He is first mentioned in "First of His Name".
Cleon (English pronunciation: ; , , Kleon) (died 422 BCE) was an Athenian statesman and a strategos during the Peloponnesian War. He was the first prominent representative of the commercial class in Athenian politics, although he was an aristocrat himself. Contemporaries Thucydides and Aristophanes represented him as a warmonger and a demagogue.
Cleon, a Gangster Disciple from the set MOB. Assisted Bodies/Present For: 1.
* Baldy (600) 1.
* Huncho Hoodo (600) 2.
* EDai (600) 3.
* Booka (600) 4.
* Meechy (Front$treet) 5.
* Inky D (600) 6.
* Lil Boo (600) 7.
* DaDa (Front$treet)
Cleon was the leader and founder of the Warriors. He formed the gang in 1978 along with Vermin after being betrayed by Virgil, the leader of the Destroyers. He was played and voiced by Dorsey Wright.
König Cleon von Astapor, auch genannt Cleon der Große und der Metzgerkönig (engl.: Cleon the Great and The Butcher King) ist der Herrscher von Astapor.