| - Devi is the Sanskrit word for Goddess. Eli discoveres that he is a Devi (healing deity) in the episode "Devi" of Xena: Warrior Princess.
- Devi is a former member of the Arcanum and currently acts as a gaelet in Imre.
- Devi was a female villager who was a miner until she was injured. During the Clone Wars, she worked at the power plant in the village of Torbel on the planet Lanteeb.
- [Source] Devi était une pilleuse d'épaves humaine de Jakku environ trente ans après la bataille d'Endor. Avec son partenaire Strunk, elle aida Rey à remettre en état un cargo Léger 690. Le duo le vola afin de quitter la planète lorsque Rey le pilota jusqu'à l'avant-poste de Niima où elle comptait le vendre à Unkar Plutt.
- The feminine Sanskrit word for the divine, but is also a Goddess in Hinduism. As the female counterpart to Deva she keeps him from being impotent and void. She is the core form of all Hindu Goddesses and a manifestation of the supreme lord. Devi is the supreme being in Shaktism and in Smartha she is one of the five major forms of God. In other Hindu sects and traditions she embodies the energy and power of male deities such as Shiva or Vishnu. Some of her manifestations are Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, Parvati, and Sarasvati. These five are part of the female Trinity.
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- While traveling in India, Xena and Gabrielle saw a gathering and ventured closer to see what was going on, a magician (Eli) pulled up a rope and send it to the sky, the rope stood on it own which made everyone gasp including Xena, but she shrug it off telling Gabrielle that the root of the rope was probably holding it, then Eli called on anyone who didn't believe it to test it, Gabrielle playing mischief pushed Xena to the front to be the tester, Xena went and cut the rope with her sword, but was amazed that the rope still stood still. Eli asked his assistant Maya to climb the rope to the other world, Maya climbed it but returned cut to pieces, Eli opened a box and out came Maya, but she was possessed by an evil spirit.
- Devi is, quintessentially, the core form of every Hindu Goddess. As the female manifestation of the supreme lord, she is also called Prakriti, as she balances out the male aspect of the divine addressed Purusha.
- Despite his long legs and large foot size, he usually prefers to use his arms when fighting. Some people have compared Devi to Sideshow Bob due to the similarity in foot size and hair. Despite being a Kart Fighter, he hardly ever fights with other people unless he is angered, tries to defend his friends' honor, or fightingin the Chaeskayke, Jr. Army.