| - Never More is the ending song of Persona 4.
- Never More appears in the game "Never More" where he goes on a quest for his grand father. The game is really fun, but hard though!
- Never More is the good ending staff roll theme of Persona 4. It is sung by Shihoko Hirata and composed by Shoji Meguro. If the epilogue is achieved in Persona 4 Golden, the Reincarnation version plays during the second credits sequence. The song also appears in Persona 4 The Animation, played during the ending and credits of both the 25th and 26th episodes.
- Jack Frost has made it to Golden Egypt, so he keeps searching for Elsa and the gang, but he finds and follows some sort of track. Meanwhile, Elsa and the rest are looking at some historical stuff on the wall and find a map there, but then Elsa sees the Bluemoon stone's history. She asks where the computer history room is. Vanellope looks around and finds it, so they rush to go there, but they are then chased by a Zumbettle. They then stay as the monster runs, passing by, but they're then spotted by Hans's guards. They then rush to lose them, through every room in the area, but they stop by a dead end as the guards are trying to get them. Baby Teeth tells Vanellope to push the button on the wall, causing them to fall down. As the trap door closes, they are seen sliding because it's fun. The
| - Jack Frost has made it to Golden Egypt, so he keeps searching for Elsa and the gang, but he finds and follows some sort of track. Meanwhile, Elsa and the rest are looking at some historical stuff on the wall and find a map there, but then Elsa sees the Bluemoon stone's history. She asks where the computer history room is. Vanellope looks around and finds it, so they rush to go there, but they are then chased by a Zumbettle. They then stay as the monster runs, passing by, but they're then spotted by Hans's guards. They then rush to lose them, through every room in the area, but they stop by a dead end as the guards are trying to get them. Baby Teeth tells Vanellope to push the button on the wall, causing them to fall down. As the trap door closes, they are seen sliding because it's fun. They then reach the end from a side of a wall as they land on the pool room, so they get out of the pool and go to find the historical computer room. Meanwhile, Jack Frost is almost there as he follows the tracks. He then stops and finds an abandoned castle, so he flies, goes inside, and searches the whole room in every area, but no such luck. He then fights and is chased by a Zumbettle, making him think that he'll find a way to find Elsa later. As the main group is walking to find the room, they're almost out of luck, but then Snowflake happens to push the wall as it is a door. They all go inside and finally find the historical computer room. Vanellope types in to find and learn about the Bluemoon stone. As she searches, everyone is once again out of luck, but Vanellope cracks the code about the Bluemoon stone, managing to find it, so she scans the copies and makes them into a disc, then gives it to Elsa. Now, they know how to free everyone. As they are about to leave, they are spotted by Hans and the guards. As they are captured, they are about to be taken away when suddenly the ceiling breaks and Jack Frost finally comes to save Elsa and the others. Vanellope is then shocked. She tells Jack and Elsa that it was Hans who stole the Bluemoon stone and it was all a setup for Pitch's plan. As he is about to attack them, the Zumbettle comes to attack. Hans and the guards are attacking the monster, but then one of Hans's guards is about to shoot Elsa with the arrow gun. Suddenly, Vanellope rushes and pushes her away, getting hit on the chest and saving her. As she falls on the floor, Elsa and Jack are shocked. Elsa picks her up because she is about to get her "game over". As she is about to vanish, she wishes them good luck in freeing everyone from the game world and says goodbye. She is then gone for good.
- Never More is the ending song of Persona 4.
- Never More appears in the game "Never More" where he goes on a quest for his grand father. The game is really fun, but hard though!
- Never More is the good ending staff roll theme of Persona 4. It is sung by Shihoko Hirata and composed by Shoji Meguro. If the epilogue is achieved in Persona 4 Golden, the Reincarnation version plays during the second credits sequence. The song also appears in Persona 4 The Animation, played during the ending and credits of both the 25th and 26th episodes.