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- The laser cannon is a weapon that was to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
- Laser cannons are vehicle-mounted weapons that are generally more powerful than blaster cannons. They are able to inflict heavy damage on vehicles and can take out tightly packed groups of infantry. Large-scale laser cannons can also be found on Capital ships, such as the MC30c Frigate.
- The Laser Cannon was a weapon intended to appear in Turok 2.
- The Laser Cannon is a weapon in the Gangstas in Space DLC for Saints Row: The Third. Rifle Reserved For The Elite Space Amazon Warriors — Weapon Description
- thumb|250px Die Laser Cannon befindet sich am Bug von Kapitän Metals Schiff, der Metal Marauder. Sie wurde eingesetzt, um Marine the Raccoons Schiff zu zerstören, was dann auch klappte (SU: 55).Kategorie:Sol Zone Pirates
- The Laser Cannon, or Rifle Cannon, is a weapon obtained by Rocket Raccoon from a confiscated weapons case in a customs station in the Uptown district of The Hub. It became his weapon of choice after leaving the station, carrying it on various bounty hunting missions.
- A Laser cannon is the primary weapon any ship has that is required to deal damage to enemy player ships or aliens. There are 3 Credit purchased laser cannons with 1 Uridium purchased one with increased stats. The latest addition to the laser cannon family is the LF-4, which is the strongest elite laser cannon currently available.
- A laser cannon was a weapon. The R1C was equipped with one, which was powered via the ship's ion drive. When gravity began pulling smaller objects towards the R1C, blanketing it, the Fourth Doctor advised Jackson to use the cannon to blast their way through. The resultant heat melted the hull and damaged the cannon itself. Eventually, penetration was achieved and the ship broke free. (TV: Underworld)
- The Laser Cannon is similar to the Laser Turret except mounted on a vehicle, with possibly different power. Depending on the game, the turrets have different modes. Battlefront 1 uses slow-firing, low/medium powered blasts that easily take out infantry, while Battlefront 2 shoots fast-firing, exceptionally-low damaging bolts that require more shots, but sure pump them out fast enough. Both can be devastating if used correctly. It is the most common vehicle weapon. Used on all assault vehicles, and on Starfighter classes.
- Laser cannon is a form of weapon, which is based on some form of high energy beam fired from the weapon. Unknown Alien, laser cannons on their Alien fighter and their Alien ship. (SGA: "The Daedalus Variations")
- The Laser Cannon was first used as the main direct-fire weapon of a Bolo in 2235 on the Mark X and only the Bolo Mark XIII followed this example (the Bolo Mark XI was a parallel development to the Mark X, retaining the then-traditional railgun while the Mark XII was a missile platform). The laser cannon was a development of the smaller weapons that had been used as infinite repeaters since 2209 but after less than a century as the Bolos' main gun, it was eclipsed by the Hellbore .
- Laser Cannon (高出力レーザー砲) is a sub-boss appearing in Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2.
- The seventh security upgrade available from an outpost.
- During his trip to the Sci-Fi Dimension, Riff acquired a large laser cannon. It has since become his most iconic weapon. The laser cannon is powerful enough to blast holes through walls. It also has a stun setting, which Riff rarely uses. Dr. Schlock has created an inflatable version, which is just as powerful and "inflates for instant intimidation".
- The Laser Cannon is a tower that is almost identical to the 3/x Dartling Gun, except that it is orange and fires once every second. The laser blasts can pop 20 bloons before wearing out and cannot pop lead bloons. it has 15 HP.
- The caption read as follows: "In a recent issue of Thunderbirds the comic we reported on the testing of a new International Rescue machine designed by Brains. New photography from Martin Bower gives a closer view of the tracked vehicle described initially as a high powered laser cannon. Modifications have been made to the vehicle with the introduction of a large scale rock crushing device mounted at the front".
- Laser cannons have been the earliest energy weapons used by the space faring races. They are commonly based on the focused emission of high energy photons and can easily damage electronic devices and outer hulls of ships. Even if based on conventional techniques, concentrated laser fire could still damage the advanced defences of a White Star and Shadow vessels. The Centauri battle laser and the Omega class particle laser can be considered extremely powerful.
- Laser cannons were weapons primarily used on starships. XJ9 X-wings utilized laser cannons.
- Laser cannons are special cannons that can be placed on a planet's surface and are used to shoot down ships that are trying to land on it. In The Carnivore Curse, Prince Poota's Agents used one to blow up two baryonyx battleships.
- A Laser Cannon is a gun firing what appears to be a laser-forced projectile, as the current model shows a sort of "bolt" being emitted from the cannon's barrel.
- The Laser Cannon is a type of gun of starfighters. Lasers don't do a lot of damage but they have long range, are reliable, versatile and effectice. Usually the first shots during a conflict are laser blasts. Historically, they have probably accounted for more enemy kills than any other weapon. Kilrathi fighters that sport the Laser are the Salthi, Dralthi, Krant, Gratha, Jalthi.
- An energy weapon used by the Ranger in the Slipgate War. It emits a series of laser blasts that disintegrates anything in its path. The projectiles have the ability to bounce off an inanimate object at least once; in tight quarters, maybe twice. Disintegrate scores of creatures with scorching laser blasts. Use the rebounding properties of this weapon to tag your enemies around corners.
- In terms of firepower, two of these are roughly equal to a Sun God in Bloons TD 4. The advantage comes with unlimited range; Laser Cannon's firepower can be pinpointed anywhere in the map. It is also cheaper than a Sun God and fires nearly as fast. It is also recommended to use this at regular speed to take advantage of its accurate mouse following.
- The predecessor to phaser weaponry, the laser weapons used by the Federation Starfleet until the 2260s decade used a microwave laser beam that was fired through a nadion particle emitter. By the year 2159, the United Earth Starfleet developed laser cannons and other laser weapons as a replacement of phase modulated weaponry. Laser weaponry would be used for over 100 years before being replaced by phasers. The starship USS Enterprise carried at least one portable laser cannon which could be deployed on planets, using a microwave beam from the Enterprise to power it.
- Starships that were equipped with laser cannons included the Malevolence, the Ghost, Merchant One, the Millennium Falcon, the droid gunship, the Imperial Star Destroyer, the Corona-class armed frigate, the Venator-class Star Destroyer (also known as the "Republic attack cruiser"), the Consular-class cruiser, the Providence-class dreadnought, the Separatist supply ship, Slave I, the stealth ship, the Trade Federation landing ship, the Trident-class assault ship, and the Twilight. Manufacturers of laser cannons included Sureggi, whose product was on board the Auzituck anti-slaver gunship.
- The Laser Cannon is an energy-class weapon compatible with the X-49 Night Raven and its Neucom Incorporated analogue, the XR-900 Geopelia which uses Aeon technology. In the Export version, it is the X-49 and XR-900's only gun-type weapon, whereas in the original uncut version. It has a high amount of damage per shot, destroying nearly all targets hit with a single impact. It has a maximum accuracy rating and 0% reload.
- File:Quake1.gif The Laser Cannon is a Weapon introduced in Scourge of Armagon. It is a large firearm that fires 2 lasers per shot at a high rate (each shot only consumes one Cell, despite firing two). The lasers ricochet off walls and around corners making it useful for hitting Enemies out of sight. The Laser Cannon shares Cells with the Thunderbolt, making it the first Weapon to do so. The Thunderbolt is more powerful but since it has limited range, the Laser Cannon comes into play for far off enemies. If a laser beam does not make contact with anything within five seconds, it shall disappear.
- Starfleet's surface-deployable laser cannons that utilized energy transferred from a starship in orbit illustrate the late maturity of the technology. Showing a clear design lineage, late-model Starfleet cannons were similar in structure and scale to the United Earth industrial lasers used in mining operations as far back as 2155. (TOS: "The Cage" ; ENT: "Demons")