| - Charmander was stolen by Team Rocket but Red decided to help Oak to get him back and he manages to get charmander back Oka thanks him alot and offers him to get a pokemon Red declines and says he wants to get pokemon by catching them because of his past Oak understands but Charmander dosn't take no for a anwser and asks Red for a battle he accepts and won and tried to capture him with his own pokeball and thats hows Zard joined red
it knows: Ember,Flamethrower,Thunderpunch,Dragon Claw, Steel wing,Wing attack,Flare blitz and Seismic toss
- Lapras was found being abused by a pokemon surfer who is beloved so when Red tried to exsopse him everyone started hating red so red decided to show people the truth and it worked and everyone started to hate him and lapras was realesed and Red decided to catch it
It knows:Water gun,Ice beam,Sing,Perish song,Thunderbolt,Bulldoze,Giga impact,Hydro Pump,Blizzard and Smart Strike
- Ditto was found during a practise for a upcoming tournament where Ditto stole Red's Lucky charm and he tried to find it after a chase he battled it and caught it and used it for the tournament
It knows:Transform
- as a pichu it was found at the forest of red's selfish rich parents the pichu was damaged by the gaurd dogs red stopped them from attacking and pichu was happy about red's nice nature toards him and red offerd him to join him pichu accepted and red named him Pika his parents tried getting rid of Pika multiple times but Pika and Red always managed to stop them
- After starting his adventure he finds a Pinsir which trys to at
tack him but he manages to know it out and catch it
It knows:X-scissor,Submission,Nastyplot,Slash,Aerial ace,Horn Drill and Megahorn
- as a eevee it was one of the many pokemon owned by their Mother and Father but eevee was overshadowed by other pokemon that they had like Moltres,Articuno and Zapdos so eevee was left to rotten in a cage but Red and Pika saved eevee and got out of the house and the 3 of them moved to pallet town Eevee was caught by red and evolved during their adventure to Pallet town