| - !Monster !data-sort-type="number"|Combat level !data-sort-type="number"|Quantity !Rarity |- |}
- Dark Claw es un personaje del Universo Amalgama presentado por Access. Él es el resultado de la fusión de Batman con Lobezno. Junto con el Super Soldier (un amalgama de Superman y el Capitán América) y Spider-Boy (Un amalgama de Ben Reilly y Kent Conner), Dark Claw es uno de los personajes más populares de Amalgama.
- Dark Claw gives an enemy a painful wound for 5 seconds, causing short ranged attacks to deal greater damage to the target.
- Mutant Detective PC in: Exiles NPC in: Exiles Race: Mutant Level: 1000 Game System: Marvel Super Heroes
- Dark Claw is a special move used only by Hobgoblins in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
- Dark Claw is a character of the Amalgam Universe which is presented by Access. He is a result of Batman merging with Marvel Comics' Wolverine. Along with Super Soldier (An amalgamation of Superman and Captain America) and Spider-Boy (An amalgamation of Ben Reilly and Conner Kent), Dark Claw is one of Amalgam's most popular characters.
- The Dark Claw is a superhero created for Amalgam Comics that merges the superheroes Batman and Wolverine. He was created when the Marvel and DC Universes merged into the Amalgam Universe after the war between the two universes provided no clear winner.
- The Dark Claw is a weapon mentioned in the Doom Bible. The description says: "Demon weapon that casts a dark cloud of tortured essence. Silent but deadly. The Dark Claw feeds on human souls. Killing possessed humans or hellslaves allows the weapon to feed". Like the Unmaker, this weapon never made it to the finished game; while the Unmaker made it to Doom 64, the Dark Claw did not.
- Dark Claw (Japanese: 黒狼刃ダーク・クロウ, Kanji translation: Black Wolf Blade, Romaji: dāku kurou) is an offensive black magic spell. The spell releases several magical energy balls, which tend to resemble winged insects, although the contours are somewhat unclear. These balls disintegrate matter on contact. The area of effect is small, so the target might "merely" lose an arm or leg when hit.
- At the age of 5, after witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of an armed robber, Logan Wayne was sent to live with his uncle in Alberta, Canada. His uncle was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and was ambushed and murdered by poachers a short time after his arrival in Canada. After the death of his uncle, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police sent Logan to live in a home run by nuns and as soon as he was old enough, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force, landing in the same outfit as Creed H. Quinn.
- Dark Claw (Burt Steinmetz) is a local Cincinnati crime figure with some connections and a yen to be a real super-villain. He gets involved with Lady Jettatura's planned Halloween strike against the Green Witch and presumably other targets. He's a baseline with a gimmick, and he's working for the promise of a suit of power armor.
- Origin Dark ClawWhen Logan Wayne was only five he witnessed his parents murder at the hands of a masked robber. Logan was sent to live with his uncle in Alberta, Canada. His uncle was a Royal Canadian mounted policeman, after a short time after Logan arrived in Canada his uncle was murdered by poachers. Logan was sent to a home ran by nuns, this would be his home until he was eighteen. When he left the home he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Logan was placed in the same unit as a man called Creed H Quinn. Character Creation Dark Claw was created by Larry Hama, Jim Balent, Ray McCarthy.Story Arcs Weapon X After a short time in the Air Force, both Logan and Creed were placed in the Weapon X project. It was here where Logan learned that he was a mutant, with the power to regenerate