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Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.

  • Flame
  • Flame
  • Flame
  • Flame
  • Flame
  • Flame
  • Flame
  • Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
  • Flame is the second episode of Garo: Gold Storm - Sho.
  • Flame is the Pyrus Gaurdian that is stronger than any Bakugan including Demon. He has a base power level of 5200g. File:Naga Silent Core.jpg“Power is good, but too much can be a burden.”
  • Le Flame est un ennemi apparu dans Wario Land II. C'est un petit renard de couleur rouge écarlate possédant un petit bandeau de pirate. Il est uniquement rencontré dans les niveaux où se trouve le bateau des Pirates Cassonades. Le Flame n'est pas dangereux en soit, il se contente de cracher une flamme avec un objet en forme de torche. Une fois Wario touché par une flamme, il se transforme alors en Wario Flambant. Le Flame est relativement utile pour briser les blocs marqués d'une flamme. Cet ennemi est très facile à vaincre à l'aide d'une attaque éclair ou d'une charge au sol.
  • [in case anyone was wondering why I want some one to adopt it is because I don't like the plot anymore. The adopter can do anything with this page.] This show airs every Tuesday. |-|Season One =
  • FLAME (Furēmu; literalmente Llama) es el vigésimo noveno ending de la serie Naruto: Shippūden. Abarca los episodios desde el 357 hasta el episodio 366. El tema es interpretado por la banda DISH//.
  • Flaming is verbal hostility over the Internet, malicious or occasionally unintentional. Examples of flames include personal insults, hateful remarks (e.g. racial slurs), and any other use of language designed to provoke the target rather than help them.
  • As a kid Alex Greyson was taken by madem Hydra. After that tests were run on him. One day he escaped and tried to find a place to hide. After that he stayed hidden for a while in the sewers. When the situation died down he tried to find his family. He ended up finding out they were dead. From then on he swore to avenge their death.
  • Flame is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos Origins.
  • Flame is the leader of Team Inferno.
  • Flame is the name of a set of black and red items.
  • Flame is the nickname of the country, Britain.
  • Flame (scherzhaft auch Fiffy genannt) ist ein Drache aus Ninjago. Er ist der Drache des Feuers und der Wächter des goldenen Schwertes. Flame ist das Haustier von Kai und wird später, zusammen mit seinen Brüdern Wisp, Rocky und Shard, zum Ultradrachen, welcher danach Lloyd gehört. Er ist zudem der erste Drache aus Ninjago, welcher Haustier eines Ninja wird.
  • A highly critical or insulting message directed at someone in a Chat channel, or in a Forum thread. Also known as Flaming.
  • A highly critical or insulting message directed at someone in a Chat channel, or in a Forum thread. Also known as Flaming.
  • Oh noes! ur gonna flame meh! well plz dont flame coz if u do ill flame u back nd we will both be bannzorzed! cant we work dis out together? i dont wanna be abused on tis cewl webbysite. dis website meanz alot to me. oh cmon man flaming iz so uncewl. im sry about wot i said about teh jews okay. its not dat i mean wot i said. im jst a smal-minded bigot with no life, so plz dont flame! plz dont be uncewl. lol u smellie rotten jew!
  • [[Category: DP skills]] Used by , deals continuous damage on a target.
  • Diese Karte erlaubt es den Element-Effekt deiner Waffe oder Suit, welcher bereits bei +5 oder höher liegt, weiter zu upgraden. Das Maximum ist +10. Die Erfolgschancen in diesem bereich sind allerdings extrem gering. Bei Element Upgrades ist ein 'kaputt gehen' der Waffe/Suit, anders als bei Upgrades mit Oricalcum, schon von +1 bis +3 möglich - allerdings mit einer extrem³ geringen Wahrscheinluchkeit, ein S-Protect lohnt sich keinenfalls. Ab dem Upgrade auf +4 wird das Item im Falle eines Misserfolgs 100%ig zerstört - bei Element sowie Oricalcum Upgrades. S-Protect ist ein Item das für 300 GPotato als 5er-Pack im Cash Shop erworben wird. Wird es vor dem Upgraden eingesetzt wird dein Item im Falle eines Misserfolgs 100%ig nicht zerstört.
  • The Flame (炎 Honoo) is an Artifact from Legend of Mana. A small crucible of flames that is used to illuminate shrines, the Flame will transform into Gato Grottoes when placed on the world map.
  • >"This way leads to Gnasty's Lair. Now go and ram his gnarly butt!" —Flame. Flame is a small, red dragon who first appeared in Spyro: A Hero's Tail. His character model could be unlocked for viewing as well as actual gameplay. Not much is known about him apart from Red trapped him in Gnasty's Cave.
  • The Flame is an artifact featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • Flame has been playing the Creatures series since 1996 and has been watching the community since then. She has recently completed work on the Fairyfloss Norns. Note: She is not the Flame of Norn Doll Wanters Alloters fame.
  • , performed by DISH//, is the twenty-ninth ending of Naruto: Shippūden. It began in episode 357 and ended in episode 367; it's followed up by Never Change feat.Lyu:Lyu.
  • Flame is an orange she-cat with white belly fur and green eyes.
  • A flame is an e-mail or Usenet message in which the writer attacks another person on overly harsh, and often personal, terms. A flame is intended to insult, provoke or rebuke another user.
  • Flame is an English character who made his first appearance in the Clyde series. He is the primary antagonist in every installment of the series, and is a general in the English Army. Flame is developed into a more sympathetic character in Fandemonium, before leaving the series in episode 24. He then becomes one of the protagonists in Hark & Flame, though he remains a dark character.
  • Der Flame stellt einen Gegner dar, der auf einen Fuchs basiert.
  • Flame is a suffix that can appear on Magic and Rare Items as well as Charms. It provides a small Fire Damage bonus. It can start spawning on items at Item Level 1, but will not be able to spawn on all items with full effect until level 40.
  • Flame is a weapon skill that was to appear in the canceled Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2. Weapon skills work like skills do in other Fallout games, with the exception of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Some weapons belch great gouts of flame or fire specialized incendiary rounds, igniting anything they strike. If a target of a Flame attack is hit (even if he suffers no Damage), he must succeed on an Agility Test or be set on fire.
  • A dispetto di quanto pensano molti, il flame non è semplicemente un'accozzaglia d'insulti; il flame è una vera e propria arte, l'arte di creare insulti mirati a offendere nel profondo l'interlocutore. I praticanti di tale arte sono conosciuti come flamer.
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • Aparece una escena de una corrida, luego aparece el Gedo Mazo en una cueva, seguido de una fotografía del Equipo Minato (con la cara de Kakashi tapada con cinta), luego se ve a Kakashi visitando la tumba de Rin y a Obito con sus distintas máscaras (la del ataque de Kyubi a Konoha, la de Akatsuki y su vestimenta de la Cuarta Gran Guerra Mundial Shinobi), después la mano de Obito intentando acariciar la cara de Rin para luego explotar en mil pedazos, se ve el lado izquierdo de Obito de niño y luego el lado derecho de Obito de adulto, luego aparece un traumado Kakashi de niño y un sorprendido Kakashi de adulto, después aparece Naruto gritando con Kyubi detrás suyo y luego entrando al Control de Bestia con Cola evitando los ataques del Diez Colas.
  • Song: Flame Album: Fantasmagoria By: Len Tsukimori (Taniyama Kishou) Kokoro no naka shiosai sazameki toikaketeru Kurikaeshite nando mo nando mo kiita Sono hitomi ga dare ka o utsushite iru toshite mo Kono sekai ga ashita de owaru wake de wa nai kedo Fureau yubisaki kawashita manazashi Subete o uso ni dekinai It's The Flame Yoru ga akete asa ni natte mata hi ga noborunara Kokoro ni kibou no hikari mo aru to Mune ni tomoru honoo fukaku tsuyoku yuragi nagara Tsumetai atsui o ataetsudzukeru Ah… Kanaderu senritsu tomadoi kakushite Tomaranai hibiki o kazasu It's The Flame It’s the flame
  • 200px|thumb|right|Zielono-żółty płomień Flame - tłumacząc z angielskiego jest to płomień. Jest to smuga, którą pozostawia dany joint. Stworzono ją przy wykorzystaniu systemu particles (cząsteczek). By stworzyć własny flame, potrzebujemy "Flame forger", który kiedyś był do zakupienia przez paypal, a obecnie jest dostępny dla wszystkich graczy za darmo. Po prostu wciskamy ctrl+l, w menu ustawiamy opcje, nazywamy go i za odpowiednią sumę kupujemy. Innym sposobem na zdobycie flame, jest zakupienie od kogoś kto posiada "Flame Forger". Według nowych ograniczeń, flame nie może być zbyt duży, gdyż będzie powodował lagi w grze. Flame jest dostępny na praktycznie każdą część ciała, zakupując wiele płomieni można stworzyć bardzo ciekawe kreacje. Maksymalnie można używać do 5 flames. Jeśli płomienie
  • Российская компания "Лаборатория Касперского" обнаружила вирус, собирающий засекреченные данные ряда стран, в том числе Израиля и Ирана. Об этом эксперты компании рассказали Би-би-си. По словам представителей "Лаборатории Касперского", вирус под названием Flame работал с августа 2010г. Компания считает, что масштабная кибератака была проведена при финансовой поддержке правительства, так как ее целью не стали банковские счета, за которыми обычно охотятся хакеры-преступники. Помимо Ирана, среди стран, где действовал вирус, оказались Израиль, Судан, Сирия, Ливан, Саудовская Аравия и Египет.
  • Whilst sitting in his house with Sackhead, Bob, Grrrr and Dog the Chicken, Flame was the least argumentative of them all, happy to watch whatever came on television, particularly if it involved Sega snot products. He was then grabbed by Skull and placed in his own television. After cowardly blaming whatever he'd done on his friends, he happily revealed his name before being thrown into the Mouth of the Mission. From here, he was thrown into a fighting tournament alongside Sackhead.
  • Deserts and Wastelands are the witch's dominion. Fire Bolt (Sp): As a standard action, you can cause a burst of flame to erupt from your hands and strike your foe. You can target any single foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack with this bolt of fire. If you hit the foe, the fire bolt deals 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point for every two witch levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. Fire Resistance (Ex): You gain resist fire 10. This resistance increases to 20 at 12th level. At 20th level, you gain immunity to fire.
  • Lucas Flame, ein großer braunhaariger Junge, wachte schweißgebadet in seinem Bett auf. Ihm war furchtbar heiß und es kam ihm so vor, als ob seine Hände gerade vor Hitze glühten. Komischerweise war es Winter. Lucas schaute auf seine Digitaluhr die auf dem Nachttisch neben seinem Bett stand. Es war fünf vor Sechs. Da er sowieso in fünf Minuten aufstehen und sich für die Schule fertig machen musste, stand er jetzt schon auf und lief durch den Flur ins Badezimmer um eine Dusche zu nehmen. Komisch war, dass das warme Wasser zischte, als es über seinen Körper lief. Nachdem er sich gewaschen hatte holte er seine Anziehsachen aus seinem Schrank und zog sich die weißen Socken, die schwarze Hose und das schwarze Shirt an. Er hasste das ganze Durcheinander vor der Schule. Nachdem er sich die Zähne ge
  • Flame is a male SkyWing dragonet who used to be one of the false Dragonets of Destiny, before becoming a student attending Jade Mountain Academy. He is part of the Gold Winglet, and is one of the clawmates of Bigtail and Pike. He was Morrowseer's only mandatory Dragonet of Destiny successor, meant to replace Glory, the RainWing who was the last second replacement of the SkyWing egg that was thrown off a cliff by Princess Burn in the prologue of The Dragonet Prophecy. He somehow detected that someone was searching in his mind in Moon Rising and 'threw' Moonwatcher out of it (surprising Moon and Qibli). He later accused Darkstalker of reading his mind. Darkstalker also fixes the scar on his face with animus magic, and Flame goes after Stonemover because he had said he couldn't fix Flame's fa
  • FLAME era una banda de chicos japoneses. Su música era originalmente pop con influencias hip-hop hasta finales de 2003, cuando intentaron un sonido más urbano. Su último single, Hanashitaku wa Nai, es una mezcla de rock y pop, y es representativa de la nueva dirección musical. Hanashitaku wa Nai fue utilizado como tema de opening para el anime Marginal Prince. El grupo originalmente estaba formado por Kaneko Kyohei , Izaki Yusuke , Izaki Hisato y Yu Kitamura . Seigo reemplazó a Kyohei , que dejó la banda en 2004 para comenzar una carrera en solitario. El 1 de marzo de 2010, la banda se separó oficialmente.
  • An outcast from the Autobot scientific community, FLAME's passion for science burns as brightly as the fire that he spews from the cannon of his altmode. Having devoted himself entirely to intellectual pursuits, he has an undeniably brilliant mind with a knack for unconventional thinking. While this would be an admirable trait in many other scientists, Flame's obsession with knowledge has caused him to cast aside his scruples, making him unpopular among his peers. Although he is a genius mechanical engineer and a crack medic, his carelessness can sometimes make him as much of a threat to his allies as to his enemies. Flame's altmode is a tank of unusual design, featuring a flame cannon in place of the normal turret. The fires this cannon produces can exceed 3000 degrees celsius in a focuse
  • A flame is the visible (light-emitting) part of a fire. It is caused by a highly exothermic reaction (for example, combustion, a self-sustaining oxidation reaction) taking place in a thin zone. If a fire is hot enough to ionize the gaseous components, it can become a plasma. The chemical kinetics occurring in the flame is very complex and involves typically a large number of chemical reactions and intermediate species, most of them radicals. For instance, a well-known chemical kinetics scheme, GRI-Mech, uses 53 species and 325 elementary reactions to describe combustion of natural gas.
  • Hrinmeer was born to the Light Elf Aeltri, after she had been raped by the Fire Demon Skulveig. Skulveig found Hrinmeer's appearance disgusting, and forced him to wear at all times a mask to hide his features. Hrinmeer's childhood was lonely, and he was put down upon by other children. Finally grown to an adult, he became a ferocious warrior, and took up Skulveig's sword, calling himself "The Flame." The Flame again served Loki in his assault upon Asgard, but was opposed by the forces of Harokin. Harokin gave his life to slay Hrinmeer, plunging the sword of Skulveig into his chest.
  • USOC Seeks Applications for F.L.A.M.E. Program for Minority Leadership May 7, 2009 2009 F.L.A.M.E. Application Materials COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Applications for the 2009 F.L.A.M.E. (Finding Leaders Among Minorities Everywhere) program, hosted by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) on August 1-4, 2009, are now being accepted. Celebrating its 16th year, F.L.A.M.E. is a dynamic, educational program packed with leadership enhancement opportunities, the chance to learn from USOC leaders, Olympians and Paralympians, engage in sports demonstrations and enhance self-discovery. Mission: History:
  • Daniel Christopher Covell (born December 21, 1971)[3] is an American professional wrestler, best known in the United States by his ring name "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. He is signed to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, wrestling under the name of Suicide in TNA. He also wrestled as Curry Man . He works regularly for many independent promotions, and is known as King of Indies for this work, as he has worked with independent promotions all over the world, including Ring of Honor and Frontier Wrestling Alliance. Career Early career World Championship Wrestling (2001) 2002–2004 2005–2007
  • The flame(炎honō) of a certain being, especially of a Crimson Denizen, is a physical manifestation of that being's Power of Existence, and is not usually connected to the original meaning of "flame". It is usually in a fire-like form, except for other special cases, thus the term used. A Crimson Denizen's flame has a distinct color, and is usually seen when they manifest in the living world or when they acquire injuries; instead of blood, "flames" made out of Power of Existence shoot out from their wounds.
  • Forgotten-Obelisk
  • 20(xsd:integer)
  • 48(xsd:integer)
  • The Hidden Kingdom, The Dark Secret, The Brightest Night, Moon Rising, Talons of Power, Darkness of Dragons
Main Character
  • Flame ; Flame__.jpg
  • Unknown
  • Flame
  • Episode 366
  • Flamme
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