| - 1. (Ron runs into Telemarketer) Ron:AHHH! Telemarketer:Rar roh reh. Me:Fake cheese rocks. (Ron thinks: Wead Lemunbrenz+Faek Cheez=BFF) Ron:HEEEEEELLLLLPPP! Me:What? I'm in the middle of something. Ron:We liek faek cheez. Me:Yeah, I also like cheese. Ron:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK! Me:Let's go annoy Flippy at Toon Hall. LAYTUR..... Flippy:I HATE fake cheese! Ron:Wanna race? :) Me:No Me:I'll go alone. Ron:OK (Flippy shoots me in my balls) Me: AIEEEEEEAAH! (I run to the hospital) Ron: Wanna go on an adventure? >:-) Flippy: WHAT?!?!?!?! Fwippech lefchou fwindzzz least >:) 2. (Ron wakes up and telephone rings) Mario: (On the phone) Ron-a, come down-a here, I'm-a planning a new superhero-a team! Ron: OOO yay!!! IY WANTT TEW JOYEN! At the Superfood hedquarters... Flippy: I'm going to be called Cakeman! Legend says he was an old 1990's hero. In 1949, he won the Nobel Food Peace Prize. 20 years later, he was nailed to a cross and thrown in a volcano, vaporizing and causing the volcano to errupt tons of cake. :) Mario: I'm-a gonna be called-a Spagetti-and-Meatballs-a Man! Luigi: Pizzaman for me. Ron: Faekcheezman will beh mah name! I had a dweem I wazz heam. Mario, Luigi, and Flippy: ... (The alarm turns red, turning into a Code Red!!! sign) Flippy: Problem is that SOMEBODY TOOK MY CAKE! Ron: gulp... Mario: Oh-a dear! We must-a stop the theif-a! (everyone teleports to the crime scene) Luigi: I've adentified it, and it shows paw-prints. Ron: Fwipeash wha ded ya et da kaek?! Flippy: I didn't. Luigi: There's more. A faceprint shows that it belongs to no other than... All but Ron: RON! Ron: Ah wuz haungreh. Flippy, Mario, and Luigi left your friends list. 3. Scratch: Alright, you get new gags. Ron: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Flippy. I:(Ron: OOH WEDIN CAEK! (eats 1) (everyone stares at ron) Ron: YAAAAAAAAAY ANIVURSIREE CAEK! (eats 2) OOH WHATUH! (drinks 3) YAAAAAAH FAEK CHEEZ! (eats 4) FIAH HOZ! (drinks 5) OMFG BUNENUH PEYL! (eats 6) YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY MOAR FEIK CHEEEEEEEEEZ (eats 7, then explodes) Kong: 0_o 4. Ron: Im guna go sowlow uh fyv stoure beldenk! (enters building) YAAAAAAAAAAAY A LEVUL 1000000000000000 VP! VP: Um... I don't have any health. Ron: Oh. DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE! VP: I can't die. (runs over Ron until he goes sad) Ron: (goes to playground) FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Tuh end