| - You start off with the small Path leading to a Launchpad. There will be a Open Area with 3 Octarians. Once splatted, take the Wall. With Checkpoint 1 out of the way, hide in the Ink and Splat him (only works in the back). Then take the next Launchpad to the 2nd Checkpoint. There are 3 Octarians on Crates. Once Splatted, the Launchpad appears. Checkpoint 3 reached, you'll throw a Bomb at the Octarians, shoot him. Once done, a new Launchpad appears. Checkpoint 4 is away, throw a Splat Bomb at the Octarians and kill them.
| - You start off with the small Path leading to a Launchpad. There will be a Open Area with 3 Octarians. Once splatted, take the Wall. With Checkpoint 1 out of the way, hide in the Ink and Splat him (only works in the back). Then take the next Launchpad to the 2nd Checkpoint. There are 3 Octarians on Crates. Once Splatted, the Launchpad appears. Checkpoint 3 reached, you'll throw a Bomb at the Octarians, shoot him. Once done, a new Launchpad appears. Checkpoint 4 is away, throw a Splat Bomb at the Octarians and kill them. Checkpoint 5 is Away, now Splat all Octarians. If done, the Launchpad appears. Going to Checkpoint 6, you can find Armor. You'll need a Key to open the Vault. Make your way to the end of the Path and grab the Key. Now return to the Vault. The Final Checkpoint is here, and go to North East (right, above) to find another Key for a Vault. Go there, and Splat the Octarians. There is the Zapfish and Grab it.