| - Captain Leslie Hero is a fictional character in the animated series Drawn Together. He is one of the eight housemates who are the focus of the show.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Captain Leslie Hero, best know as Captain Hero is technically the main character from the animated series Drawn Together. Despite being depicted as a "superhero," arguably the most often wears a behavior of a villainous character, and almost always uses his superhero talents in the worst situations, or using them to their advantage. Practically it is a satire and parody of Superman.
- In original artwork before the show's release, Captain Hero wore tights, and his suit was slightly darker in color and had a different symbol on it.
- "Spider-Man's not the only one who can shoot a sticky web. Yeah! That was clever." ~ Captain Hero Captain Leslie Hero is a fictional character and the main protagonist in the animated series Drawn Together. He is one of the eight housemates who are the focus of the show. Captain Hero is labeled as a chauvanistic and perverted superhero. He is voiced by Jess Harnell.
- EN:Captain Hero Captain Leslie Hero ist eine Parodie des allgemeinen Superhelden: Er tut jene Dinge, die normale Superhelden nicht tun (bzw. was nicht gezeigt wird), und wird dem Namen "Hero" selten gerecht.
- Captain Hero ist eine Superman-Adaption, hat eine Schwäche für Alkohol und Drogen, ist emotional labil, unsicher und egoistisch, pansexuell mit weiteren schwer einzuordnenden sexuellen Präferenzen und einer Neigung zu infantilem Verhalten. In der englischen Originalversion benutzt er zahlreiche hebräische Worte. Sein schwules Alter Ego Tim Tommerson hat in einer Episode eine Beziehung mit Xandir. Captain Hero wird in der Serie meist als Versager gezeigt und benannt. Captain Hero gilt als typischer Chauvinist. In mehreren Folgen der Serie singt er Lieder über seine Verzweiflung.
- He is a Sociopathic, chauvinistic, perverted, antiheroic, heteroflexible, and lecherous parody of Superman (and other superheroes), with a visual style taken from the cartoons of Bruce Timm and Max Fleischer. Most of his humor revolves around his perverse sexual tastes, his tendency toward violence, or his stupidity; there is also a running joke in which he is heavily suggested to be pansexual and interested in necrophilia. Among reality TV archetypes, he represents the macho egoist. He is voiced by Jess Harnell. In original artwork before the show's release, Captain Hero wore tights, and his suit was slightly darker in color and had a different symbol on it. Of all the housemates, Captain Hero saw the most character development over the series. In the first season, Hero was a simple chara