| - More Dakka is a form of Spam Attack with bullets -- the art of solving problems by firing as many rounds at them as possible. Improbable Aiming Skills are all very well and good, but sometimes you just need to throw a wall of bullets at the target -- perhaps your foe can Dodge the Bullet, or you're up against a whole army of Mooks at once. Modern automatic weapons can achieve the rates of fire required for more dakka all by themselves, but using a whole bunch of slower-firing guns works too. More dakka can even work against targets where conventional attacks are normally ineffective -- even if each shot only does Scratch Damage, it will succumb to a Death of a Thousand Cuts eventually.
- Given its ramshackle nature, most Orkish weapons and technology simply should not work, and indeed do not work unless wielded or operated by an Ork. Genetor-Major Lukas Anzion has postulated that this is due to a minor, subconscious telekinetic ability possessed by all Orkoids; in effect, if they believe hard enough that something should work a certain way, it does in fact work that way. Humans lack this inherent ability, and because the crude weapons of the Orks lack proper machine spirits, it can be very difficult for a human to make these weapons work properly.
| - More Dakka is a form of Spam Attack with bullets -- the art of solving problems by firing as many rounds at them as possible. Improbable Aiming Skills are all very well and good, but sometimes you just need to throw a wall of bullets at the target -- perhaps your foe can Dodge the Bullet, or you're up against a whole army of Mooks at once. Modern automatic weapons can achieve the rates of fire required for more dakka all by themselves, but using a whole bunch of slower-firing guns works too. More dakka can even work against targets where conventional attacks are normally ineffective -- even if each shot only does Scratch Damage, it will succumb to a Death of a Thousand Cuts eventually. Gatling Good and Guns Akimbo are common ways of achieving more dakka, and you can expect to see gratuitous camera shots devoted to torrents of shell casings produced by the volume of fire. Unfortunately, more dakka has a good chance of accomplishing little or nothing, in the case of A-Team Firing or if the shooters are graduates of the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy. The Gunslinger may specialize in more dakka. A Sub-Trope of Spam Attack. Contrast Improbable Aiming Skills, when a character uses amazing accuracy instead of volume of fire. Not to be confused with Baka, as there is very definitely such a thing as "Enuff Baka". Examples of More Dakka include:
- Given its ramshackle nature, most Orkish weapons and technology simply should not work, and indeed do not work unless wielded or operated by an Ork. Genetor-Major Lukas Anzion has postulated that this is due to a minor, subconscious telekinetic ability possessed by all Orkoids; in effect, if they believe hard enough that something should work a certain way, it does in fact work that way. Humans lack this inherent ability, and because the crude weapons of the Orks lack proper machine spirits, it can be very difficult for a human to make these weapons work properly. In game terms, any Ork weapon that has the Unreliable trait loses this trait when wielded by an Ork. Any Ork weapon that possesses neither the Reliable nor the Unreliable traits gains the Reliable trait when wielded by an Ork. At the GM's discretion, certain pieces of Ork technology may not function at all unless wielded by an Ork; in the hands of an Ork, these items will usually exhibit the Unreliable trait.