| - (Theme song) (Titlecard) (Cucumber is sleeping) (The alarm goes off. Cucumber turns it off and yawns. He sees the clock which reads "9:03",) Cucumber: OHMYGOSHSCHOOLSTARTSIN Oh wait it already started ANDOHGODWHATTHEHECKWILLIDOSLICESLICESLICEWE'RELAAATE! (The screen shrinks to 5 windows, each with one of the characters inside) All: AAAARGH! Cucumber: Need... Soda!!! Narrator: 4 hours later Cucumber: That's my 16794th one. (gasps) That means I freeze the- (Cucumber farts and freezes the city) Cucumber: -city. Cucumber (singing): I frozen the city and- Oh god I forgot that was a bad thing. (Screen cuts to school. Slice is taking a test and the school freezes) Slice: Well, that's not the first time Cucumber drank 16794 sodas. FLASHBACK- (The 5 are shown as babies) (Baby Cucumber sees soda) Cucumber (flashback): Ga ga! (drinks) (World freezes) FLASHBACK ENDS Slice: Yup. Pepperoni: Well, I guess we have to go get him and save the whole freaking universe. Slice: Yup. (Slice, Crust, Pepperoni and Cheese run) Mrs Derp: Stop right there, food people! Slice (whispering): Uh oh, Mrs Derp spotted us. Pepperoni: DUN DUN DUN!!!! Mrs Derp: I arrest you in the name of Derpington! (The screen changes to black and white and the gang are locked behind bars) Crust: Darn. Slice (singing): Now that we're in here and the world is still frozen... Pepperoni, Crust & Cheese (singing): The world is still frozen... Slice (singing): I actually don't have a plan... Pepperoni, Crust & Cheese (singing): Don't have a plan... Slice (singing): But I know there is a way! I know there is a wa-a-ay! Crust (singing): You see, my uncle was in prison once, So start punching! Slice: Meh, since we don't have time for all the other plans... (Slice is about to punch himself when a "3 Hours Later" timecard appears on the screen) TBA