| - Last Time on Fandemonium! 3.14 and Heart got scammed into appearing on a reality TV show, Hiro got drunk and his hangover continues, and Locke, the brilliant host was hiding from the horde of people outside the house ready to get him. ML: Alright, this is seriously messed up man! Then Hiro comes out of the closet again. Hiro: LOCKE YOU BA****D! Locke then closes the closet on Hiro. ML: He he, I am going to leave now. The door suddenly opens and Vulcan flies back in...along with 14 other people. Heart: Steel! I thought I said no parties! ML: And conned them into the show, and speaking of the show...
| - Last Time on Fandemonium! 3.14 and Heart got scammed into appearing on a reality TV show, Hiro got drunk and his hangover continues, and Locke, the brilliant host was hiding from the horde of people outside the house ready to get him. ML: Alright, this is seriously messed up man! Then Hiro comes out of the closet again. Hiro: LOCKE YOU BA****D! Locke then closes the closet on Hiro. ML: He he, I am going to leave now. The door suddenly opens and Vulcan flies back in...along with 14 other people. Heart: Steel! I thought I said no parties! Steel: What? I didn't invite 'em, I just told them where you live. ML: And conned them into the show, and speaking of the show... Locke grabs his huge microphone. ML & Steel: Yo! What's up Fantendo? ML & Steel: House meeting in the lounge, be there NOW! Luz: What is going on here? Chaos 12: Yeah! Why are we all here? Xero: And why won't you let me in my house? Pesh: Wait! What?! Tulip Nook: Your house? Bloop, I thought you bought it yesterday. Bloop: I did I did! Pashie: And what does he mean house meeting? Steel then takes out a gun and shoots the ceiling, there is dead silence, a few pieces of plaster fall onto Steel's head. ML: Steel! What the heck man!? Steel: What?! ML: I told you don't use guns on the set! Steel: Why not?! At that very moment, Hark stumbled through the door with a pistol. Hark: This is why. He shot at Hiro's head and killed him. ML: Soooooooo uncool man! Steel: Think of the ratings! All of a sudden, Hiro wakes up. Hiro: *Yawns*, OWW! My head! Purple Koopa Bro.:Uhh...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! ML: Oh yeah! I forgot you were immortal! ML: Anyway, house meeting now! All 20 contestants gather on the enormously huge sofa ML & Steel: Yo! Wha- Hiro: JUST GET ON WITH IT YA' BA****DS! ML: Fine, as we were saying- Pesh: LOOK, DO WE HAVE A TV OR NOT? ML: Yes, we have a- Everyone rushes over to the TV. Nightwolf: Maybe if were quick, we can catch the last few minutes of- Pesh and Nightwolf's eyes open up wide and fill with tears. Pesh & Nightwolf: WHITE NOISE?!