| - Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 8 – 10 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): barrel1_Dahl_Penetrator The Penetrator is a legendary sniper rifle manufactured by Dahl. Examples are on the talk page.
- The Penetrator is a level 2 vehicle armed with an energy weapon; the weapon on the unit is similar to that of the Annihilator with the exceptions of it having less range and power, but still having enough range to make it the longest ranged weapon on any of the faction's vehicles. It has no CORE counterpart.
- Penetrator – pojazd występujący w Grand Theft Auto I i Grand Theft Auto V.
- Penetrator is a perk in Fallout 4.
- The Penetrator is a boss in Demon's Souls.
- El Penetrator es un vehículo que aparece en Grand Theft Auto y en el modo Online de Grand Theft Auto V, como parte de la actualización GTA Online: Importaciones/Exportaciones. Es fabricado por Ocelot.
- The Penetrator is a sports car featured in Grand Theft Auto 1 and a two-door super car featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Import/Export update. It is manufactured by Ocelot in the HD Universe.
- Penetrator was a heavyweight robot that entered Series 2 of Robot Wars. It was unsuccessful, being eliminated in the Trial stage of its heat.
- The Penetrator is a normal hand crossbow for the Demon Hunter in Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. It requires character level 70 to be used.
- The exact dimensions of the vessel can only be speculated but it does appear to be capable of holding at least 20 personnel.
- La Penetrator [ˈpenətreɪtər] est une voiture de sport disponible dans Grand Theft Auto 1 sous deux variantes différentes puis dans Grand Theft Auto Online grâce au contenu téléchargable intitulé « Import-export ».
- The Penetrator was a Star Destroyer under construction at Kuat Drive Yards for the Imperial Navy in 3 ABY. As the Penetrator was nearing completion, the young amateur slicer Shannon Voorson managed to slice into an Imperial computer file containing a list of Star Destroyers being built by Kuat Drive Yards, among which was the Penetrator. Shannon later showed the list to her cousin, Deen Voorson, a member of the Rebel Alliance.
- Nearly all the world now knows of the fantastic origin of Penetrator, the Priapic man. In the year 2022, while inspecting the site of a disastrous nuclear incident, mild-mannered ex-President Bill Clinton, was exposed to asonishing levels of radiation. Clinton was rushed to the medical facilities at Gi-Joe headquarters, where he spent the next 5 months recovering. When his bandages were finally removed, the world learned the awful truth about his condition: Not only had several body parts been replaced by cybernetic prosthetics, the radiation had also mutated Clinton drastically.